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M.S. Pera

147 records found

Information Retrieval (IR) remains an active, fast-paced area of research. However, most advances in IR have predominantly benefited the so-called “classical” users, e.g., English-speaking adults. We envision IR4U2as a forum to spotlight efforts that, while sparse, consider diver ...

From Potential to Practice

Intellectual Humility During Search on Debated Topics

An essential characteristic for unbiased and diligent information-seeking that can enable informed opinion formation and decision-making is intellectual humility (IH), the awareness of the limitations of one's knowledge and opinions. While researchers have recognized the potentia ...
In this work, we reason how focusing on Information Retrieval (IR) for children and involving them in participatory studies would benefit the IR community. The Child Computer Interaction (CCI) community has embraced the child as a protagonist as their main philosophy, regarding c ...

Not Just Algorithms

Strategically Addressing Consumer Impacts in Information Retrieval

Information Retrieval (IR) systems have a wide range of impacts on consumers. We offer maps to help identify goals IR systems could—or should—strive for, and guide the process of scoping how to gauge a wide range of consumer-side impacts and the possible interventions needed to a ...

Misinformation in video recommendations

An exploration of Top-N recommendation algorithms

With this paper, we delve into the problem of misinformation propagation in the video recommendation domain, focusing on top-N recommendation algorithms (RAs). We evaluate a broad spectrum of RAs to probe their ability to minimize misinformation recommendations while optimizing t ...

Kid Query

Co-designing an Application to Scaffold Query Formulation

In this work, we discuss the findings emerging from co-design sessions between children ages 6 to 11 and adults, which were conducted to advance knowledge on how to best support children using well-known search tools for online information discovery. Specifically, we argue that b ...
When using web search engines to conduct inquiries on debated topics, searchers' interactions with search results are commonly affected by a combination of searcher and system biases. While prior work has mainly investigated these biases in isolation, there is a lack of a compreh ...
Web search has evolved into a platform people rely on for opinion formation on debated topics. Yet, pursuing this search intent can carry serious consequences for individuals and society and involves a high risk of biases. We argue that web search can and should empower users to ...


A Workshop on Alternative, Unexpected, and Critical Work on Recommendation

The AltRecsys workshop, held in conjunction with the 18th edition of the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) in Bari, Italy, provides a platform for highlighting “alternative” work in recommender systems. Modeled after alt.chi and the CRAFT sessions at the FAccT confer ...
We discuss the foundation of a collaborative effort to explore AI's role in supporting (teachers and) children in their learning experiences. We integrate principles of educational psychology, AI, and HCI, and align with best practices in education while undertaking a human-cente ...
Children often interact with search engines within a classroom context to complete assignments or discover new information. To successfully identify relevant resources among those presented on a search engine results page (SERP), users must first be able to comprehend the text in ...
Current approaches in automatic readability assessment have found success with the use of large language models and transformer architectures. These techniques lead to accuracy improvement, but they do not offer the interpretability that is uniquely required by the audience most ...
Popularity bias is a prominent phenomenon in recommender systems (RS), especially in the music domain. Although popularity bias mitigation techniques are known to enhance the fairness of RS while maintaining their high performance, there is a lack of understanding regarding users ...
Large Language Models (LLMs) are expected to significantly impact various socio-technical systems, offering transformative possibilities for improved interaction between humans and technology. However, their integration poses complex challenges due to the intricate interplay betw ...
In this work, we present the results of a preliminary exploration aiming to understand whether the use of ChatGPT in an educational context can be an asset to meet the specific needs of the students. In particular, we focus on the possibility of adapting the responses to online i ...

Children and Information Access

Fostering a Sense of Belonging

In this vision paper, we spotlight children as often underserved users in the digital ecosystem. With online search as a use case, we discuss the need for a multi-perspective approach to designing interactive interfaces and technologies that can enable information access systems ...

Learning Technologies & AI

Who are we designing for?

Focused on children and the learning context, we argue for the importance of designing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that take a holistic view of their target users. Rather than prioritize system performance, these smart technologies can be tuned to assist users throu ...

Covering Covers

Characterization Of Visual Elements Regarding Sleeves

The aim of this work is to explore common traits preferred across different age groups of children to identify the appeal of book covers. By analyzing visual attributes, visible objects, and implied stories inferred from the covers, we can gain insights into the elements that are ...
We introduce a re-ranking model that augments the functionality of standard search engines to aid classroom search activities for children (ages 6–11). This model extends the known listwise learning-to-rank framework by balancing risk and reward. Doing so enables the model to pri ...
Informed by existing literature, in addition to lessons learned from ongoing research work pertaining to online information seeking, in this contribution, we discuss our view of how information pollution affects a critical yet understudied user group: children. We first highlight ...