186 records found


Crowd knowledge creation plays a central role in many types of Web based information systems, ranging from community question-answering (CQA) systems (e.g. StackOverflow and Quora) to micro-task crowdsourcing systems (e.g. Amazon mTurk and CrowdFlower). In these systems, knowledg ...


Multi-level representation learning for personalized ranking in recommendation

Representation learning (RL) has recently proven to be effective in capturing local item relationships by modeling item co-occurrence in individual user's interaction record. However, the value of RL for recommendation has not reached the full potential due to two major drawba ...

Clarity is a worthwhile quality

On the role of task clarity in microtask crowdsourcing

Workers of microtask crowdsourcing marketplaces strive to find a balance between the need for monetary income and the need for high reputation. Such balance is often threatened by poorly formulated tasks, as workers attempt their execution despite a sub-optimal understanding o ...

Feature hierarchy (FH) has proven to be effective to improve recommendation accuracy. Prior work mainly focuses on the influence of vertically affiliated features (i.e. child-parent) on user-item interactions. The relationships of horizontally organized features (i.e. siblings ...

Recommender systems for citizens

The CitRec'17 workshop manifesto

This manifesto summarises the outcomes of the 1st Workshop on Recommender Systems for Citizens (CitRec'17), held at the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, in August 2017 in Como, Italy. We discuss challenges and opportunities for the development of recommender systems fo ...
How can social media be used to reveal latent social and collective perspectives on music? Our work addresses this question by introducing a Twitter dataset surrounding the Top 2000, a yearly national broadcasting event in The Nether- lands. The Top 2000 is recognised as a valuab ...
Social media data are increasingly used as the source of research in a variety of domains. A typical example is urban analytics, which aims at solving urban problems by analyzing data from different sources including social media. The potential value of social media data in touri ...

Social media has emerged as one of the data backbones of urban analytics systems. Thanks to geo-located microposts (text-, image-, and video-based) created and shared through portals such as Twitter and Instagram, scientists and practitioners can capitalise on the availability ...

Micro-task crowdsourcing has become a successful mean to obtain high-quality data from a large crowd of diverse people. In this context, trust between all the involved actors (i.e. requesters, workers, and platform owners) is a critical factor for acceptance and long-term success ...
Complexity is crucial to characterize tasks performed by humans through computer systems. Yet, the theory and practice of crowdsourcing currently lacks a clear understanding of task complexity, hindering the design of effective and efficient execution interfaces or fair monetary ...
Existing feature-based recommendation methods incorporate auxiliary features about users and/or items to address data sparsity and cold start issues. They mainly consider features that are organized in a flat structure, where features are independent and in a same level. However, ...

Linking accounts across social networks

The case of StackOverow, Github and Twitter

SocialWeb accommodates a wide spectrum of user activities, including information sharing via social media networks (e.g., Twitter), question answering in collaborative Q&A systems (e.g., StackOverow), and more profession-oriented activities such as social coding in code shari ...

Thanks to reputation and gamification mechanisms, collaborative question answering systems coordinate the process of topical knowledge creation of thousands of users.While successful, these systems face many challenges: on one hand, the volume of submitted questions overgrows ...


Community Question-Answer(CQA) services are online portals with a community of people that share similar interests, and post question-answers for solving the difficulties they have. These services have huge social impact and have become a place where knowledge is created and dist ...