17 records found


When using web search engines to conduct inquiries on debated topics, searchers' interactions with search results are commonly affected by a combination of searcher and system biases. While prior work has mainly investigated these biases in isolation, there is a lack of a comp ...

When people use web search engines to find information on debated topics, the search results they encounter can influence opinion formation and practical decision-making with potentially far-reaching consequences for the individual and society. However, current web search engi ...

Web search has evolved into a platform people rely on for opinion formation on debated topics. Yet, pursuing this search intent can carry serious consequences for individuals and society and involves a high risk of biases. We argue that web search can and should empower users to ...
Web search plays an important role in the contemporary information landscape, shaping individual and collective knowledge by providing fast and effortless access to vast amounts of resources. We rely on web search engines for various information needs, some of which can carry ser ...

From Potential to Practice

Intellectual Humility During Search on Debated Topics

An essential characteristic for unbiased and diligent information-seeking that can enable informed opinion formation and decision-making is intellectual humility (IH), the awareness of the limitations of one's knowledge and opinions. While researchers have recognized the poten ...

Searching for the Whole Truth

Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Humility to Boost Better Search on Debated Topics

We often use search engines when seeking information for opinion-forming and decision-making on debated topics. However, searching for resources on debated topics to gain well-rounded knowledge is cognitively demanding, leaving us vulnerable to cognitive biases, such as confir ...

Social choice aggregation strategies have been proposed as an explainable way to generate recommendations to groups of users. However, it is not trivial to determine the best strategy to apply for a specific group. Previous work highlighted that the performance of a group reco ...

Adverse phenomena such as the search engine manipulation effect (SEME), where web search users change their attitude on a topic following whatever most highly-ranked search results promote, represent crucial challenges for research and industry. However, the current lack of au ...

Fairness in agreement with European values

An interdisciplinary perspective on ai regulation

With increasing digitalization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous. AI-based systems to identify, optimize, automate, and scale solutions to complex economic and societal problems are being proposed and implemented. This has motivated regulation efforts, inclu ...

Towards Healthy Engagement with Online Debates

An Investigation of Debate Summaries and Personalized Persuasive Suggestions

Online debates allow for large-scale participation by users with different opinions, values, and backgrounds. While this is beneficial for democratic discourse, such debates often tend to be cognitively demanding due to the high quantity and low quality of non-expert contribut ...

While the web offers a great potential to find and share information, the cognitively demanding conditions of online interactions can leave users vulnerable to cognitive biases, such as the confirmation bias-the tendency to favor information that confirms prior attitudes and b ...

Cognitive biases in the context of consuming online information filtered by recommender systems may lead to sub-optimal choices. One approach to mitigate such biases is through interface and interaction design. This survey reviews studies focused on cognitive bias mitigation of r ...
Recent research has demonstrated that cognitive biases such as the confirmation bias or the anchoring effect can negatively affect the quality of crowdsourced data. In practice, however, such biases go unnoticed unless specifically assessed or controlled for. Task requesters need ...

This Item Might Reinforce Your Opinion

Obfuscation and Labeling of Search Results to Mitigate Confirmation Bias

During online information search, users tend to select search results that confirm previous beliefs and ignore competing possibilities. This systematic pattern in human behavior is known as confirmation bias. In this paper, we study the effect of obfuscation (i.e., hiding the ...


ChatGPT, a cutting-edge technology based on LLM, demonstrated great potential in search tasks. While the importance and potential of ChatGPT are growing, the gap in the understanding of how users interact and engage in ChatGPT search remains open. Past research has extensively ex ...
Search engines are used to gather and collect information. This interaction sometimes influences the user and changes their attitude towards a topic after such interaction. Prior work has shown that it is a complex endeavour to understand attitude change, as there are many things ...
Searching the web on debated topics, which are issues under active discussion and where individual opinions diverge, can be highly challenging. It requires users to approach their queries objectively, browse many resources, and accept a certain level of uncertainty, even if it co ...