Benjamin Bettencourt

3 records found


Kid Query

Co-designing an Application to Scaffold Query Formulation

In this work, we discuss the findings emerging from co-design sessions between children ages 6 to 11 and adults, which were conducted to advance knowledge on how to best support children using well-known search tools for online information discovery. Specifically, we argue tha ...

Children often interact with search engines within a classroom context to complete assignments or discover new information. To successfully identify relevant resources among those presented on a search engine results page (SERP), users must first be able to comprehend the text ...

"Who are you?"

Identifying Young Users from a Single Search Query

As an initial step towards enabling the adaptation of (popular, and widely used) web search environments so that they can better serve children and ease their path towards information discovery, we introduce Recognizing Young Searchers (RYSe). RYSe leverages lexical, syntactic ...