Jing Lu

15 records found

The impacts of drought on water availability

Spatial and temporal analysis in the Belt and Road region (2001–2020)

Climate change, population growth, and economic development exacerbate water scarcity. This study investigates the impact of drought on water availability in the Belt and Road region using high-resolution remote sensing data from 2001 to 2020. The results revealed an average wate ...
Improving irrigation water management is a key concern for the agricultural sector, and it requires extensive and comprehensive tools that provide a complete knowledge of crop water use and requirements. This study presents a novel methodology to explicitly estimate daily gross a ...
Flash droughts tend to cause severe damage to agriculture due to their characteristics of sudden onset and rapid intensification. Early detection of the response of vegetation to flash droughts is of utmost importance in mitigating the effects of flash droughts, as it can provide ...
In the Tibetan Plateau (TP) region, the foreseeable increase in air temperature may have profound and complex effects on the local hydrological cycle, and is likely to increase water loss from the land surface to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration (ET). Quantifying ET and ...
Water depth, a fundamental characteristic of a lake, is important for understanding climatic, ecological, and hydrological processes. However, lake water depth data are still scarce due to the high cost of in-situ measurements and the limitations of remote sensing observations. I ...
The special environment conditions in high altitude areas leads to serious cracking and peeling of road hot-melt marking coatings. In order to improve the durability of marking paint, a durable hot-melt marking paint was designed by modifying the paint with toughening-agent, rheo ...
Satellite-based Earth Observation systems archived a variety of vegetation products during the last 50 years, which can reveal regional to global ecosystem dynamics across diverse spatiotemporal scales. The anomaly metrics such as Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) defined by compa ...
A drought-induced water storage deficit index (D-WSDI) is proposed to quantify the response of GRACE-based terrestrial water storage change to meteorological drought and the impact of drought on water storage deficit. D-WSDI is defined as the normalized residual component of GRAC ...
Rainfall is a key driver of terrestrial vegetation. Clarifying the response mechanism of vegetation to rainfall can advance the understanding of expected changes in ecosystems under projected rainfall scenarios. Besides the rainfall amount over a period of time, the frequency, du ...
Drought hazards induced by continuous water shortage may damage crop growth and cause severe grain loss. With one of the most intensive irrigation systems, the Indus basin has supported agriculture for millennia and feeds up more than 300 million people. The water supply for the ...
We focus on the main new developments underway in MercuryDPM. New features include deformable clusters (agglomerates), experimental coarse-graining, melting particles, particle-solid interactions, multi-resolution particle-fluid coupling, pressurecontrolled Lees-Edwards boundarie ...
This paper evaluated the accuracy of multiple satellite-based precipitation products including the tropical rainfall measuring mission multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) (TMPA 3B42RT and TMPA 3B42 version 7) and the Climate Prediction Center MORPHing technique (CMORPH) ...
We present in this paper a polynomial fitting method applicable to segments of footprints measured by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) to estimate glacier thickness change. Our modification makes the method applicable to complex topography, such as a large mountain gl ...
The Pan-Eurasian and African Continents are characterized by large ranges of climates varying from humid, semi-humid, semi-arid and arid regions, and great challenges exist in water allocation for different sectors that related to water resource and food security, which depends s ...
The regional surface soil heat flux (G0) estimation is very important for the large-scale land surface process modeling. However, most of the regional G0 estimation methods are based on the empirical relationship between G0 and the net radiation flux. A physical model based on ha ...