Li Jia

48 records found

Water vapour flux, expressed as evapotranspiration (ET), is critical for understanding the earth climate system and the complex heat–water exchange mechanisms between the land surface and the atmosphere in the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau (TP) region. However, the performance of ...
Study region: Senegal river (SRB), Niger river (NRB), and Lake Chad basins (LCB). Study focus: We investigated the impacts of land use/land cover change (LULC) and climate variability on the water balance components from 1990 to 2020. We applied the Soil and Water Assessment Tool ...
Information on crop yield is important for food security, in particular under the conditions of climate change and growing population worldwide. We developed a new fully distributed, high spatial resolution, model of biomass accumulation and crop yield applicable to a highly hete ...
The potential drivers of vegetation changes in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Africa remain poorly understood due to complex interactions between climatic and anthropogenic processes. In this study, we analyzed the vegetation greenness trends in relation to rainfall variability th ...
Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) change is a major global concern and a topic of scientific debate. In West Africa, the key trend among the changes of the past few years is the loss of natural vegetation related to changes in different LULC categories, e.g., water bodies, wetland, and ...
Spatiotemporal residual noise in terrestrial earth observation products, often caused by unfavorable atmospheric conditions, impedes their broad applications. Most users prefer to use gap-filled remote sensing products with time series reconstruction (TSR) algorithms. Applying cu ...
Glacier surface albedo dominates glacier energy balance, thus strongly affecting the glacier mass balance. Glaciers in the Western Nyainqentanglha Mountains (WNM) experienced large mass losses in the past two decades, but long-term changes of glacier albedo and its drivers are le ...
Satellite-based Earth Observation systems archived a variety of vegetation products during the last 50 years, which can reveal regional to global ecosystem dynamics across diverse spatiotemporal scales. The anomaly metrics such as Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) defined by compa ...
Model calibration and validation are challenging in poorly gauged basins. We developed and applied a new approach to calibrate hydrological models using distributed geospatial remote sensing data. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was calibrated using only twelve mo ...
The region-wide spatial pattern of the drivers of vegetation trends in the African Sahel-Sudano-Guinean region, one of the main drylands of the world, has not been fully investigated. Time-series satellite earth observation datasets were used to investigate spatiotemporal pattern ...
Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) information is needed for agricultural water resource management, hydrology and climate analysis applications. Temporal and spatial sampling by the space-borne instruments designed to retrieve SSM is, however, limited by the orbit and sensors of the sa ...
A drought-induced water storage deficit index (D-WSDI) is proposed to quantify the response of GRACE-based terrestrial water storage change to meteorological drought and the impact of drought on water storage deficit. D-WSDI is defined as the normalized residual component of GRAC ...
The annual flood and the alteration in hydrological regimes are the most vital concerns in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD). Although synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 imagery is widely used for water management, only a few studies have used Sentinel-1 data for mapping s ...
Past Land Use Land Cover (LULC) transitions analysis at the sub-continental scale of West Africa revealed spatial reallocation, i.e., simultaneous losses and gains of the LULC categories at different locations. We applied the component analysis approach to separate the total chan ...
Monitoring glacier flow is vital to understand the response of mountain glaciers to environmental forcing in the context of global climate change. Seasonal and interannual variability of surface velocity in the temperate glaciers of the Parlung Zangbo Basin (PZB) has attracted si ...
This project explored the integrated use of satellite, ground observations and hydrological distributed models to support water resources assessment and monitoring in High Mountain Asia (HMA). Hydrological data products were generated taking advantage of the synergies of European ...
Glacier and snow are sensitive indicators of regional climate variability. In the early 21st century, glaciers in the West Kunlun and Pamir regions showed stable or even slightly positive mass budgets, and this is anomalous in a worldwide context of glacier recession. We studied ...
Rainfall is a key driver of terrestrial vegetation. Clarifying the response mechanism of vegetation to rainfall can advance the understanding of expected changes in ecosystems under projected rainfall scenarios. Besides the rainfall amount over a period of time, the frequency, du ...