Min Jiang

5 records found

The potential drivers of vegetation changes in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Africa remain poorly understood due to complex interactions between climatic and anthropogenic processes. In this study, we analyzed the vegetation greenness trends in relation to rainfall variability th ...
Model calibration and validation are challenging in poorly gauged basins. We developed and applied a new approach to calibrate hydrological models using distributed geospatial remote sensing data. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was calibrated using only twelve mo ...
Human activities modulate the impact of environmental forcing in general and of climate in particular. Information on the spatial and temporal patterns of human activities is in high demand, but scarce in sparsely populated and data-poor regions such as Northern Africa. The inten ...
A drought-induced water storage deficit index (D-WSDI) is proposed to quantify the response of GRACE-based terrestrial water storage change to meteorological drought and the impact of drought on water storage deficit. D-WSDI is defined as the normalized residual component of GRAC ...
The occurrence of natural vegetation at a given time is determined by interplay of multiple drivers. The effects of several drivers, e.g., geomorphology, topography, climate variability, accessibility, demographic indicators, and changes in human activities on the occurrence of n ...