Qiting Chen

10 records found

Accurate and continuous estimation of surface albedo is vital for assessing and understanding land–surface–atmosphere interactions. We developed a method for estimating instantaneous all-sky at-surface shortwave upwelling radiance and albedo over the Tibetan Plateau. The method a ...
Accurate knowledge of the at-surface solar irradiance (SSI) is essential for retrieving surface and atmospheric properties using satellite measurements of backscattered and reflected radiance. The latter is affected by surface-atmosphere interactions, including the effects of ter ...
Global-scale surface soil moisture (SSM) products (e.g. SMAP L3.0, ASCAT V3.0, ESA/CCI V7.1 and GLDAS V2.2) are vital for applications in hydrology, climate variability, and agriculture. This study uses a new SSM evaluation approach by combining temporal evolution, Coefficient of ...
Water depth, a fundamental characteristic of a lake, is important for understanding climatic, ecological, and hydrological processes. However, lake water depth data are still scarce due to the high cost of in-situ measurements and the limitations of remote sensing observations. I ...
Improving irrigation water management is a key concern for the agricultural sector, and it requires extensive and comprehensive tools that provide a complete knowledge of crop water use and requirements. This study presents a novel methodology to explicitly estimate daily gross a ...
Information on crop yield is important for food security, in particular under the conditions of climate change and growing population worldwide. We developed a new fully distributed, high spatial resolution, model of biomass accumulation and crop yield applicable to a highly hete ...
The monthly nighttime light data observed by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor onboard the National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite are useful to assess human activities. However, noise in the VIIRS data and unstable power supply in many area ...
Observing and understanding changes in Africa is a hotspot in global ecological environmental research since the early 1970s. As possible causes of environmental degradation, frequent droughts and human activities attracted wide attention. Remote sensing of nighttime light provid ...
Land Surface Models which determine evapotranspiration (ET) by neglecting the sub-grid heterogeneity of land-atmosphere parameters will cause aggregation biases in spatially-averaged ET estimates, considering the nonlinear ...
The ASCAT (Advanced SCATterometer) soil moisture product with 10-km spatial resolution was retrieved based on the soil water index (SWI) algorithm from the data acquired by the scatterometer on board the Meteorological OPerational (MetOP) satellites (MetOP-A, MetOP-B). In this st ...