H. Shi
19 records found
Monopiles are the dominant foundation type for offshore wind turbines, accounting for approximately 80% of the installed capacity. Installing offshore monopile foundations on seabeds susceptible to scour erosion requires monopiles to penetrate several pre-installed scour protecti
Segregation of granular materials is a critical phenomenon in various industries, such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and mining. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is an effective tool for gaining insight into granular segregation by providing particle-level information and
Granular materials play a crucial role in various geotechnical, mining, and bulk handling applications. Understanding their mechanical properties is essential for optimal use in these industries. Traditional experimental methods like Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and open pile test
Efficient modelling of ceramic sintering processes
Application to bilayers and membranes
The constitutive relation of Skorohod and Olevsky for viscous sintering is utilized to model the shrinkage and relative density evolution during the sintering process of ceramics. A new implicit integration scheme is presented and implemented. The computational cost is drasticall
This work aims to identify the most influential DEM parameters for modelling multi-component segregation during heap formation, hopper discharge, and chute flow.@en
Processability of powders in high load compaction constitutes a challenge due to particle rearrangement, compression and breakage occurring simultaneously. Although tableting is a central operation in pharmaceutical technology, a better understanding of the link between the macro
Fast, flexible particle simulations
An introduction to MercuryDPM
We introduce the open-source package MercuryDPM, which we have been developing over the last few years. MercuryDPM is a code for discrete particle simulations. It simulates the motion of particles by applying forces and torques that stem either from external body forces, (gravity
This paper aims to understand the effect of different particle/contact properties like friction, softness and cohesion on the compression/dilation of sheared granular materials. We focus on the local volume fraction in steady state of various non-cohesive, dry cohesive and modera
Powders are a special class of granular matter due to the important role of cohesive forces. Because the flow behavior of powders depends on both their flow states and confining stresses, it is difficult to measure/quantify with only one experiment. In this study, the most common
Granular segregation is a common, yet still puzzling, phenomenon encountered in many natural and engineering processes. Here, we experimentally investigate the effect of particles cohesion on segregation in dry monodisperse and bidisperse systems using a rotating drum mixer. Chem
Faster, more flexible particle simulations
The future of MercuryDPM
We focus on the main new developments underway in MercuryDPM. New features include deformable clusters (agglomerates), experimental coarse-graining, melting particles, particle-solid interactions, multi-resolution particle-fluid coupling, pressurecontrolled Lees-Edwards boundarie
Measurement and prediction of cohesive powder behaviour related to flowability, flooding or arching in silos is found to be very challenging. Previous round robin [52] attempts with ring shear testers did not furnish reliable data and have shown considerable degrees of scatter an
The bulk properties of powders depend on material characteristics and size of the primary particles. During storage and transportation processes in the powder processing industry, the material undergoes various modes of deformation and stress conditions, e.g., due to compression
Particulate systems and granular matter display dynamic or static, fluid‐ or solid‐like states, respectively, or both at the same time. The mystery of bridging the gap between the particulate, microscopic state and the macroscopic, continuum description is one of the challenges o
Granular materials and particulate matter are ubiquitous in our daily life and they display interesting bulk behaviors from static to dynamic, solid to fluid or gas like states, or even all these states together. To understand how the micro structure and inter-particle forces inf
Fast, flexible particle simulations in complex geometries part II: Applications
MercuryDPM is a particle-simulation software developed open-source by a global network of researchers. It was designed ab initio to simulate realistic geometries and materials, thus it contains several unique features not found in any other particle simulation software. These fea
We study the effect of both particle size and shear testers on the failure (yielding) and the steady state shear strength of granular materials. Physical experiments are carried out on four fine limestone powders using a geotechnical direct shear tester and the standard Schulze r
We study the effect of particle cohesion on the steady state shear strength of a granular material. For cohesive powders, the steady state shear loci (termination loci) from DEM simulations are nonlinear with a peculiar pressure dependence due to the non-linear increase of contac
To ensure high quality of granular products post-industrial operations, it is necessary to precisely define their micro-macro mechanical properties. However, such an endeavor is arduous, owing to their highly inhomogeneous, anisotropic and history-dependent nature. In this articl