Thomas Weinhart
6 records found
This study introduces a mathematical model to predict the dynamic angle of repose exhibited by granular materials in a rotating drum. The model accounts for the effect of particle properties, particularly sliding and rolling friction, as well as process conditions, i.e., the Frou
In this paper we introduce the open-source code MercuryDPM: a code for simulating discrete particles. The paper discusses software and management issues that may be interesting for the developers of other open-source codes. Then we review the new features that have been added sin
This paper aims to understand the effect of different particle/contact properties like friction, softness and cohesion on the compression/dilation of sheared granular materials. We focus on the local volume fraction in steady state of various non-cohesive, dry cohesive and modera
Fast, flexible particle simulations
An introduction to MercuryDPM
We introduce the open-source package MercuryDPM, which we have been developing over the last few years. MercuryDPM is a code for discrete particle simulations. It simulates the motion of particles by applying forces and torques that stem either from external body forces, (gravity
Faster, more flexible particle simulations
The future of MercuryDPM
We focus on the main new developments underway in MercuryDPM. New features include deformable clusters (agglomerates), experimental coarse-graining, melting particles, particle-solid interactions, multi-resolution particle-fluid coupling, pressurecontrolled Lees-Edwards boundarie
Fast, flexible particle simulations in complex geometries part II: Applications
MercuryDPM is a particle-simulation software developed open-source by a global network of researchers. It was designed ab initio to simulate realistic geometries and materials, thus it contains several unique features not found in any other particle simulation software. These fea