Lucien Breems
9 records found
Class-D amplifiers are often used in high-power audio applications due to their high power efficiency. They typically employ pulse-width modulation (PWM) at a fixed carrier frequency, which may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI). Setting this frequency fPWM) belo
This article presents a 28-W class-D amplifier for automotive applications. The combination of a high switching frequency and a hybrid multibit Δ Σ M-PWM scheme results in high linearity over a wide range of output power, as well as low AM-band EMI. As a result, only a small (150
This paper describes a class-D audio amplifier with a multilevel output stage that reduces both EMI and idle power. High loop gain, and thus high linearity, are enabled by a relatively high (4.2 MHz) switching frequency, which relaxes the requirements on its output LC filter. Fab
This paper analyzes the error mechanisms that limit the dynamic range (DR) of wide-bandwidth, low-OSR continuous-time (CT) multi-stage noise-shaping (MASH) ΔΣM and proposes a tool, the Signal Leakage Function (SLF), to optimize the architecture, and hence improving DR. The SLF pr
This paper presents a SAR-assisted Continuous-time Delta-Sigma (CT Δ Σ ) ADC, which combines the energy efficiency of SAR ADCs with the relaxed driving requirements of CT Δ Σ ADCs, as well as similar anti-alias filtering. When clocked at 2.4GHz, the ADC achieves 77.5dB SNDR in 40
This paper presents a 2 GS/s 5-b single-channel SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS. The ADC uses a gm-boosted StrongARM comparator to achieve the highest reported sampling frequency for a non-time-interleaved SAR ADC. Its high sampling frequency, large input signal capability and one clock cy