S. Karmakar
17 records found
This thesis describes the development of high-performance Class-D audio amplifiers, outlining their significance in modern audio systems. The primary aim is to reduce the system cost and size associated around Class-D amplifiers by minimizing the use of off-chip components, while
The Zoom ADC
An Evolving Architecture
Zoom ADCs combine a coarse SAR ADC with a fine delta-sigma modulator (?SM) to efficiently obtain high energy efficiency and high dynamic range. This makes them well suited for use in various instrumentation and audio applications. However, zoom ADCs also have drawbacks. The use o
This paper presents a Class-D piezoelectric speaker driver that employs a quadrature feedback chopping scheme (QCS). Compared to a conventional single feedback chopping scheme (SCS), the use of QCS can eliminate the timing skew between low-voltage (LV) and high-voltage (HV) chopp
This paper presents a continuous-Time zoom ADC for audio applications. It combines a 4-bit noise-shaping coarse SAR ADC and a fine delta-sigma modulator with a tail-resistor linearized OTA for improved linearity, energy efficiency, and handling of out-of-band interferers compared
This article presents a Class-D audio amplifier for capacitive
piezoelectric speaker loads. Employing a dual voltage feedback
(VFB)/current feedback (CFB) topology, the amplifier is capable of
resonance without using an external damping resistor, therefore
Piezoelectric speakers are gaining popularity on account of their improving form-factor and audio quality, making them a good fit for many audio applications such as in televisions, laptops, etc. Such speakers can be modelled as a large capacitive load, and so are typically drive
In chopper amplifiers, the interaction between the input signal and the chopper clock can give rise to intermodulation distortion (IMD). This chopper-induced IMD is mainly due to amplifier delay, which causes large pulses at the output of the amplifier's output chopper. This arti
This article describes a discrete-time zoom analog-to-digital converter (ADC) intended for audio applications. It uses a coarse 5-bit SAR ADC in tandem with a fine third-order delta-sigma modulator (ΔΣM) to efficiently obtain a high dynamic range. To minimize its over-sampling ra
Amplifiers often employ chopping to achieve low offset and low-frequency noise. However, the interaction between the input signal and the chopper clock can cause chopper-induced intermodulation distortion (IMD) [1] -[5]. This is especially problematic for input frequencies (Fin)
This article presents a continuous-Time zoom analog to digital converter (ADC) for audio applications. It employs a high-speed asynchronous SAR ADC that dynamically updates the references of a continuous-Time delta-sigma modulator (CTDSM). Compared to previous switched-capacitor
This paper describes a class-D audio amplifier with a multilevel output stage that reduces both EMI and idle power. High loop gain, and thus high linearity, are enabled by a relatively high (4.2 MHz) switching frequency, which relaxes the requirements on its output LC filter. Fab
This article presents a 28-W class-D amplifier for automotive applications. The combination of a high switching frequency and a hybrid multibit Δ Σ M-PWM scheme results in high linearity over a wide range of output power, as well as low AM-band EMI. As a result, only a small (150
Class-D amplifiers are often used in high-power audio applications due to their high power efficiency. They typically employ pulse-width modulation (PWM) at a fixed carrier frequency, which may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI). Setting this frequency fPWM) belo
This paper presents a discrete-time (DT) zoom ADC for audio applications. A 2b quantizer in combination with a low power “fuzz” suppression technique, results in a significant improvement in linearity and energy-efficiency over previous designs. The ADC occupies 0.27mm 2 in 0.16μ
This article presents a Class-D audio amplifier for automotive applications. Low electromagnetic interference (EMI) and, hence, smaller LC filter size are obtained by employing a fully differential multilevel output stage switching at 4.2 MHz. A modulation scheme with minimal swi
This paper presents a dynamic zoom analog-to-digital converter for use in low-bandwidth (<1 kHz) instrumentation applications. It employs a high-speed asynchronous successive approximation register (SAR) ADC that dynamically updates the references of a fully differential &
Micro-power ADCs with high linearity and dynamic range (DR) are required in several applications, such as smart sensors, biomedical imaging, and portable instrumentation. Since the signals of interest are then often small (tens of μν) and slow (<1kHz BW), such ADCs should also