19 records found

This thesis describes the analysis, design, prototype implementation, and measurement results of high-performance Class-D amplifiers (CDAs) for audio applications.@en
The dynamic range (DR) of digital-input closed-loop class-D amplifiers (CDAs) is typically limited by the noise introduced by their resistive DAC (RDAC) or current-steering DAC (IDAC). It could be improved by using tri-level cells in the IDAC, but this has not yet been realized i ...
This paper presents a Class-D piezoelectric speaker driver that employs a quadrature feedback chopping scheme (QCS). Compared to a conventional single feedback chopping scheme (SCS), the use of QCS can eliminate the timing skew between low-voltage (LV) and high-voltage (HV) chopp ...
Class-D amplifiers (CDAs) are widely used in audio applications where a high power efficiency is required. As most audio sources are digital nowadays, implementing digital-input CDAs results in higher levels of integration and lower cost. However, prior open-loop digital-input CD ...
Silicon MOSFETs-based medium-power (< 50W) Class-D amplifiers (CDAs) switching in the MHz range have gained popularity in recent years, which achieves better linearity thanks to a higher loop gain in the audio band while enabling the use of LC filters with higher cut-off frequ ...
This article presents a digital-input class-D amplifier (CDA) achieving high dynamic range (DR) by employing a chopped capacitive feedback network and a capacitive digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Compared with conventional resistive-feedback CDAs driven by resistive or current ...
The power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of conventional differential closed-loop Class-D amplifiers is limited by the feedback and input resistor mismatch and finite common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) in the first integrator. Th ...
Class-D amplifiers (CDAs) are often used in audio applications due to their superior power efficiency. Due to the sensitivity of the human ear, a large dynamic range (DR) is desired, and audio DACs with up to 130dB DR are commercially available [1]. However, the DR of the CDAs th ...
This article presents a fully dynamic scalable switched-capacitor delta-sigma modulator that achieves a 94.1-dB dynamic range (DR). Power-and- bandwidth scalability by only changing the clock frequency is achieved using a capacitively biased and swing-enhanced floating inverter o ...
This article presents a class-D amplifier (CDA) with high dynamic range (DR). To eliminate the typically dominant noise contribution of a resistive feedback network, the input and feedback signals are chopped and applied to a capacitive feedback network. However, this leads to hi ...
Class-D audio amplifiers produce electromagnetic interference (EMI), which often needs to be suppressed by an external LC filter. However, due to component nonlinearity, this filter can itself cause significant distortion. This article presents a class-D amplifier that suppresses ...
Recent years have witnessed an improvement in the energy efficiency of capacitive sensor interfaces by more than three orders of magnitude. This article reviews the architectural and circuit innovations that have contributed to this progress. The fundamental limit on the energy c ...
IoT sensing applications operating from batteries or harvested energy require microwatt data converters. To accurately measure small signals, they often need to achieve a high DR (>90dB) and better linearity than the transducers themselves (>14b) with a BW in the kHz range. ...
This paper reports a Class-D audio amplifier that uses multiloop feedback to suppress output LC filter nonlinearity by 49 dB, enabling the use of small, low-cost LC filters with ±30% spread while maintaining low distortion. Fabricated in a 180 nm BCD process, the prototype achiev ...
This paper reports a chopper Class-D audio amplifier that obtains high PSRR over the entire audio band. A chopping scheme is proposed to minimize intermodulation distortion between pulse-width modulation (PWM) and chopping in the audio band. A high-voltage chopper is developed to ...
This article presents a Class-D audio amplifier for automotive applications. Low electromagnetic interference (EMI) and, hence, smaller LC filter size are obtained by employing a fully differential multilevel output stage switching at 4.2 MHz. A modulation scheme with minimal swi ...
Class-D amplifiers are often used in high-power audio applications due to their high power efficiency. They typically employ pulse-width modulation (PWM) at a fixed carrier frequency, which may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI). Setting this frequency fPWM) belo ...
This paper describes a class-D audio amplifier with a multilevel output stage that reduces both EMI and idle power. High loop gain, and thus high linearity, are enabled by a relatively high (4.2 MHz) switching frequency, which relaxes the requirements on its output LC filter. Fab ...
This article presents a 28-W class-D amplifier for automotive applications. The combination of a high switching frequency and a hybrid multibit Δ Σ M-PWM scheme results in high linearity over a wide range of output power, as well as low AM-band EMI. As a result, only a small (150 ...