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F.J. Lopez Dekker

19 records found

SAR-based Flood Monitoring

Comparison of Synthetic Aperture Radar sources on the Water-Land Boundary estimation for flood events in the Netherlands

Floods are natural hazards with severe impacts, and their frequency and intensity are increasing due to climate change. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites are widely used for flood mapping, as they operate independently of weather and time of day. This thesis examines the ...
Over the past three decades, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) has become one of the most important Earth observation technologies in the world, and its use has become common in applications such as topographic mapping, monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes, as ...

A new perspective on vegetation water dynamics

Assimilating ASCAT observations to constrain soil and vegetation states using a data-driven observation operator

Fire both shapes and destroys forests. Forest fires are therefore essential to ecological processes and vegetation as we know them. With climate change, forest fires are expected to increase in severity and frequency. To maintain the functioning of the forests, it is important to ...
This thesis developed a forward model for Sentinel-1 C-band co-pol and cross-pol backscatter and coherence using crop biophysical variables including leaf area index, tops weight, surface soil moisture and root zone soil moisture as inputs for sugarbeet. These input variables are ...
How to deal with the presence of weather affected data is an unavoidable topic in the processing of optical imagery. Clouds and cloud shadows significantly alter the spectral signatures obtained from satellite data, which often leads to problems for any kind of scientific analysi ...
From three coherent SAR images it is possible to estimate three interferograms. Combined in a circular way, the sum of the three interferometric phases is called the closure phase which necessarily adds up to zero on a single pixel level. However, if the interferograms are spatia ...
Oceans play a vital role in the regulation of Earth's intricate climate system. The majority of gas and energy exchanges occurring at the ocean-atmosphere interface are driven by small-scale, O(1 km), coupled processes. Despite its importance, too few observations have been able ...
Ice jam events can be devastating for the environment, human infrastructure, and local population. During breakup season, it is of great importance to be informed about the river ice cover condition in order to mitigate breakup flood risk. The Athabasca River near FortMcMurray, l ...
Oceans cover a significant part of the Earth's surface. The coupling between the upper ocean and the atmosphere is very complicated with defied theoretical understanding, while it is essential for climate studies, weather prediction, and marine ecosystems. With the advent of spac ...
The Netherlands has for long been witnessing problems due to subsidence. While urban infrastructure is mostly safeguarded from differential settlement by deep pile foundations, the same cannot be said about greenhouses. The greenhouses of the Netherlands has enabled the country t ...
Natural or man-made disasters can have a drastic impact on social, economic and environmental aspects of an affected population. Specifically, earthquakes are one of the most potent natural hazards, which cause a disproportionate amount of fatalities, primarily due to a) unexpect ...
Blue ice areas, are areas in Antarctica where, either due to local heat sources (areas with lower albedo and thus more absorption of shortwave radiation - i.e. Nunataks) or high windspeed, all the snow is melted or eroded away and the underlying (blue) ice is visible. This occurs ...
Satellite altimetry is an important technology used to measure sea level with high spatial and temporal resolution. Sentinel-3, a Copernicus satellite mission, offers three types of variables captured simultaneously for the first time; sea level (SSH), sea surface temperature (SS ...

STEREOID Data Processor

Design and Performance Analysis

Stereo Thermo-Optically Enhanced Radar for Earth, Ocean, Ice, and land Dynamics (STEREOID) is one of the candidates of the ESA (European Space Agency) , Earth Explorer 10 missions. The novel constellation system will consist of the active Sentinel-1 satellites and two passive spa ...
Direct measurement of ocean surface velocity from space with a Synthetic Aperture Radar has shown to be a promising method to observe ocean surface currents. In this thesis report a method for Total Surface Current Vector (TSCV) retrieval using an experimental Bidirectional (BiDi ...
Climate change has been a heated topic in recent years, and the mass loss of ice sheets is one aspect of it. The Antarctic Ice Sheet has experienced certain mass loss in the form of ice-shelf collapse and (sub-)surface melting, but thorough study remains limited due to the remote ...

Rapid Building Damage Detection Through SAR Timeseries Analysis in the Google Earth Engine

Using Sentinel-1 GRD imagery in the Google Earth Engine to detect Building Damage in Rapid Disaster Response Situations

Humanitarian crises related to building and infrastructure damage, i.e. natural hazards and collateral damage during warfare, result in many hundreds of thousands of casualties on a yearly base. Earthquakes, for example, are responsible for taking around 50.000 lives on a yearly ...