60 records found


Target Localization Using MIMO-Monopulse

Application on 79 GHz FMCW Automotive Radar

A novel target azimuth estimation algorithm called ”MIMO-Monopulse” is proposed by combining monopulse approach with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. Chebyshev and Zolotarev weighting are applied to synthesis sum and difference pattern of MIMO-monopulse. A new visuali ...
In this study, the authors propose a novel direction of arrival (DoA) estimation algorithm called ‘multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO)–monopulse’ by combining the monopulse approach with MIMO radar. Monopulse is fast and accurate angle estimation algorithm, which has been well ...
The next generation digital radars are able to provide high-range resolution by the advancement of radar hardware technologies. These systems take advantage of coherent integration and Doppler processing technique to increase the target’s signal-to-noise ratio. Due to the high-ra ...
This paper presents a method for exploiting wideband spectral information of real-valued radio frequency (RF) signals using the Nyquist Folding Receiver architecture. A new system model based on a symmetric modulation matrix is introduced so that the frequency band of the real in ...
Advanced radar systems rely on multichannel, wideband operation. NASA's Ecosystem SAR (EcoSAR) and second-generation digital beamforming SAR [1]–[3] use active array architectures, where an active array radar system contains independent transmit and receive chains with unique amp ...
The modern advancements in digital electronics allow waveforms to be easily synthesized and captured using only digital electronics. The synthesis of radar waveforms using only digital electronics, such as Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) and Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs ...
This paper addresses the mitigation of wind turbine clutter (WTC) in weather radar data in order to increase the performance of existing weather radar systems and to improve weather analyses and forecasts. We propose a novel approach for this problem based on signal separation al ...
Range migration is unavoidable and cannot be neglected in pulse Doppler radar when target velocity is high and/or wideband transmit signals are used. In this paper, we investigate the range and Doppler degradation due to target motion in wideband pulse Doppler radar. To correct r ...
Future and emerging radar systems are experiencing growing reliance on MIMO functionality in order to support demand for finer resolution and greater data collection under increasingly stringent spectral requirements. In order to support MIMO functionality while preserving spectr ...
This paper considers wideband beamforming and waveform design for transmission from advanced multiple channel radar systems. Hence, this paper describes the initial designs of a wideband transmit beamformer for a multi-channel high resolution radar, applicable to airborne and spa ...

Blind phase calibration for along-track interferometry: Application to Gotcha data set

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

The impact of wind farms on radar systems, such as air traf-fc control (ATC), air defense (AD), and weather radars, is a signifcant issue, especially considering that demand for wind power and wind farms is increasing dramatically. According to the American Wind Energy Associatio ...
This paper addresses the problem of dynamic clutter mitigation by focusing on the mitigation of the wind turbine clutter from the radar data. The basis pursuit and morphological component analysis approach are used to decompose the radar returns into the sum of oscillatory and tr ...
This paper discusses application of a cross-channel interferogram based technique for target geolocation to data from the Gotcha sensor. A modified SAR/ATI/STAP geolocation method is used to compensate for the inability to perform STAP well using the available Gotcha data due to ...
This paper presents a new adaptive radar signal processing technique for target detection and geolocation using radar data from platforms capable of performing simultaneous Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Along-Track Interferometry (ATI). Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) ...
This paper presents a new adaptive radar signal processing technique for dismount detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The new approach uses the complex nature of the Doppler response scattering from the dismounts rotary motion to modify the conventional Space-Time Ada ...


Automotive radar is a key element in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). With the growth of Automotive industry, there is a high demand for the sensors used in assisting systems. As the number of sensors increases, probability that these systems being in close proximity wi ...

Target localization using MIMO-monopulse

Application on 79 GHz FMCW automotive radar

Automotive radar is widely used for driving safety support and it is a key element of future autonomous vehicles. Radar sensors have the property that the performance is not to be affected by low vision conditions compared with camera sensors or laser based radar sensors, which m ...
Compressive Sensing (CS) provides a new paradigm in data acquisition and signal processing based on the assumption of sparsity and the incoherence of the received signal. Based on that concept, many radar front-end architectures have been studied with the implementation of CS. In ...