D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard
96 records found
Understanding the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the shallow subsurface is crucial for engineering decisions in densely populated regions like the Netherlands. Urban areas are for a large part built on a complex stack of sand, clay, silt, gravel and organics that
Evidence of different compound resin-based adhesives is present in South Africa from at least 77000 years ago. Ancient glue production is considered one of the oldest known highly complex technologies, requiring advanced technological and mental abilities. However, our current kn
Change lost
Corrosion of Roman copper alloy coins in changing and variable burial environments
We studied the corrosion of Roman copper alloy coins that experienced alternations or progressive changes in their burial environment. We used coins that were still embedded in soil or in a concretion selectedfrom three professional excataved sites - Berlicum and Krommenie in the
Focus Raqqa
Inventory of Museum Collections and Reconstruction of Missing Tablets
The National Museum of Raqqa in Syria has suffered immensely from the ongoing violence since 2011. Much of its valuable collection of movable archaeological heritage (ca. 6000 items) is considered lost. Starting from 500 of the most precious objects of the museum stored in the Ra
Neolithic Human Diet Based on Studies of Coprolites from the Swifterbant Culture Sites, the Netherlands
Synthesis - Human versus community diet
The aim of this final chapter is to integrate the results obtained from the multi-disciplinary study applied to a series of coprolites from the Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Swifterbant Culture sites, to determine their role as a source of information about the prehistoric
Neolithic Human Diet Based on Studies of Coprolites from the Swifterbant Culture Sites, the Netherlands
Micro-CT scanning analysis
In recent years, several researchers have illustrated the potential of X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) in the study of archaeological soils and artefacts. Hunt et al., Huisman et al., Wang et al., Qvarnström et al., and Shillito et al. have already foreseen and even de
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and X-ray micro computed tomography (μ-CT) were applied to the study of four archaeological glass objects from the collection of the Allard Pierson in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Often, little is known about the provenience and provenance of
The structure of five rare filigree spheres from a seventeenth century shipwreck was examined in order to unravel their condition, manufacturing process and function. This study focuses on the application of non-invasive imaging techniques: optical microscopy, X-radiography, X-ra
Geophysical tomography as a tool to estimate the geometry of soil layers
Relevance for the reliability assessment of dikes
The geometric variability of soil layers is a large source of uncertainty in the reliability assessment of dikes. Because direct samples of the subsurface soils are often insufficient to capture the complexity of the subsurface, geophysical methods provide a powerful source of co
We investigated the characteristics of a group of 13 Middle Iron Age egg-shaped crucibles and crucible fragments from Tilburg (The Netherlands). We used a combination of optical and chemical analyses, including hand-held XRF, microCT scanning and 3-D printing polarizing light mic
In this study, we generate novel insights regarding bodily ornaments from indigenous societies of late precolonial Greater Antilles. Previous research has highlighted the sociopolitical role of valuable, exotic, and figurative ornaments, yet there are many gaps in our current und
The southern boundary of Region IV of ancient Ostia coincides with the southern limit of the excavated area of the ancient city. The perceived expanse of the city is influenced by the extent of the excavation. It is not known if the unexcavated part lying south of Region IV also
Van Warder naar Zwitserland
Op het spoor van de fluit
Een dwarsfluit uit het begin van de zestiende eeuw. Die doken archeologen op uit een scheepswrak in het Markermeer. Alleen dat al is een extreem zeldzame gebeurtenis. Maar van wie kan die fluit geweest zijn? Een stuk papier bij het mondgat zet een gevarieerd team van deskundigen
Focus Raqqa
Schutz für das archäologische Erbe des Museums von ar-Raqqa
Die nordsyrische Provinzhauptstadt ar-Raqqa ist in den letzten Jahren tragischerweise als «Hauptstadt des Bösen» bekannt geworden. Dabei blickt ar-Raqqa auf eine lange, beeindruckende Kulturgeschichte zurück, die bis in die Jungsteinzeit zurückreicht. Leider hat der unerbittliche
Archeologie onder druk
Is behoud in situ mogelijk onder ophogingen?
In situ behouden of toch niet? Die vraag ligt tegenwoordig aan de basis van de meeste beslissingen als gaat worden gebouwd op een archeologische vindplaats. Een afweging moet worden gemaakt: kan de bouw zodanig worden uitgevoerd dat de archeologische resten er zonder veel kleersc
We report the discovery of a 50,000-y-old birch tar-hafted flint tool found off the present-day coastline of The Netherlands. The production of adhesives and multicomponent tools is considered complex technology and has a prominent place in discussions about the evolution of huma
Desktop micro-CT scanner has become a standard piece of equipment for many materials science laboratories and is increasingly popular in the field of archaeology for the study of archaeological soils and small archaeological artefacts. The technique does have limitations which ar