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S. de Vries

37 records found

Aeolian surface erodibility measured on the Sand Engine

From mobile wind tunnel design towards field expeditions

Building with Nature is a sustainable approach to design multifunctional flood defences (e.g., accommodating recreational services, nature development, etc.) that harness natural forces as much as possible. Building with Nature therefore extensively involves coastal dunes. These ...
Coastal areas are sensitive ecosystems, which are important as natural habitat, recreational areas and for protection of the hinterland. Coastal monitoring is essential in the analysis and prediction of coastal development. Coastal monitoring has become more urgent due to climat ...
Dunes often act as the primary line of defence for low-lying hinterland against storm surges with dune erosion in the swash-dune collision regime. In the swash-dune collision regime, an elevated total water level, consisting of tide, surge, and wave setup, temporarily submerges t ...
The Netherlands is a country with a history of human activity along the coast to ensure water safety. In the 1990's a new approach to coastal management was adopted that allowed for more experimentation in the Dutch dunes. Since then a slew of different types of projects have bee ...

The effect of sediment grain size on dune erosion

Experimental field study on the effect of sediment grain size on dune erosion at the Sand Engine by conducting manipulative field experiments

Along the Dutch coastline, coastal dunes act as the primary sea defence to protect the low-lying areas behind it from flooding. To ensure that these dunes are strong enough to meet national safety standards, models are used to assess their strength. Even though our modelling capa ...
The dunes along the Dutch coast serve as a critical component of flood defense. Storms and a shortage of sediment supply offshore lead to dune and shoreline erosion, posing a hazard to flood safety. To combat coastal erosion, the Dutch government decided in 1990 to proactively no ...

Modelling the effect of twin storms on dune erosion

Applying XBeach to model the dune erosion for single and twin storms constructed using simulated weather data

When two storms quickly succeed one another, it can be called a twin storm. Storm conditions at the coast can lead to higher water levels and waves that can give rise to dune erosion. Therefore, after a storm the dunes are smaller than before the storm. Dune accretion is a much s ...

Predicting erosion of vegetated dunes during hurricanes

Assessing the representation of vegetation effects in XBeach

Coastal dunes serve as the primary defence mechanism against coastal storms for many coastal communities around the world. Vegetation plays a role in increasing dune resiliency as it enables dune growth, however not enough is known about its effects during storms. Research has sh ...
Coasts are constantly under the pressure of hydrodynamic conditions such as waves, tides, and storms. In the Netherlands, sand nourishments are executed every few years in order to maintain the country’s sandy beaches for purposes of safety, recreation, and ecology. In order to d ...
For European Union member states, it is mandatory to assign Natura 2000 areas and regularly monitor them. Currently, vegetation mapping is done mainly manually, which is a time-consuming and expensive practise. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones), manoeuvrable vehicles with ...
Dunes are the primary sea defence along the Dutch coast. This research investigated the development between 1965 and 2021 of the beaches and dunes of the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK) area which stretches from IJmuiden to northern Texel. This research used an ...
The Netherlands has 254 km of coastline that is covered with sandy dunes. As these dunes function as primary flood defences, intensive research has been conducted into dune erosion in recent years. This research mainly took place in laboratories, because all boundary conditions c ...
This thesis describes the development and the characteristics of the coastline along the Dutch coastal zone, managed by Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier. The coastal zone is a rich environment with multiple stakeholders. These stakeholders use the coastal zone for a ran ...
In future decades, coasts will be exposed to increasing risks because of climate change and sea level rise, which poses an increased threat of coastal inundation, erosion and ecosystem loss. The natural variability of coasts can make it difficult to identify these impacts. Most b ...
Coastal aeolian sediment transport is influenced by supply-limiting factors such as sediment sorting by grain size. Sorting processes can cause a coarsening of the bed surface and influence the formation of aeolian ripples. However, it is not fully understood what influence sorti ...
In this paper we introduce a setup to investigate aeolian saltation and surface dynamics on a centimetre spatial resolution and a sub second temporal resolution. We develop a Lagrangian saltation model and a high-resolution surface model, which we couple to each other and to a tu ...
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is scheduled to present their solution for a storm surge barrier on Galveston Island in 2021 to congress for approval. A solution for an engineered dune system on the Galveston Island West End has been proposed, but storm surge mo ...
Coastal dunes habitats are in the transition zone of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and therefore have high biodiversity in terms of animal and vegetation species. These species provide important ecosystem services to the human kind. Due to the development and operation of Maa ...

Planetary-scale classification of natural and human-induced sandy shoreline evolution

A semi-automated method that employs Machine Learning and Satellite Derived Shorelines over the past decades

Today's coastal zones are densely inhabited as the majority of the world's population lives in these attractive areas. The shorelines in coastal zones are shaped by complex spatial and temporal variable interactions between natural forcings like changes in mean sea-level, tides, ...
Galveston Bay is an area in the Upper Texas Coast (USA) historically suffering from the impact of several large magnitude hurricanes. In 2008 hurricane Ike, one of the most devastating natural disasters in Unites States recent past, raised awareness of the flood vulnerability pro ...