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W. Broere

32 records found

Analysis of friction development at microtunneling case study

Microtunneling under the river IJ, Amsterdam

In 2005, a pipeline construction was undertaken under the river IJ in Amsterdam. The microtunneling method was used and it consisted of a closed front TBM of 1800mm diameter over a length of 785m in Pleistocene Sand and extremely soft Holocene sediments and anthropogenic sediment ...
This thesis aims to explore the influence of borehole alignment accuracy and other soil and pipe parameters on the pullback forces during the pullback phase in Hor- izontal Directional Drilling (HDD) operations. To that end a model inspired by PipeForce V1 was implemented and exp ...
The Noordtunnel is an immersed tunnel open to roadway service since 1990 in The Netherlands. Over the past thirty years of its operation time, a significant differential settlement behaviour has been observed, and this ongoing settlement potentially imposes safety concerns to the ...
This research addresses the complex challenge of mitigating uplift within a water-retaining system, specifically focusing on the Valmeer Energy Storage Lake (ESL), an integral part of the DELTA21 project. The need for rapid emptying of the ESL during storm surges, often within a ...
The 1st Heinenoordtunnel is an immersed tube which has been open for service in the Netherlands since 1969. Over the past 50 years, a large and increasing settlement has been measured along the tunnel alignment. The greatest value of settlement (65 mm) occurs in tunnel element 1 ...
The soil-grout interface friction was measured to be in between 0.0 [kPa] and 14 [kPa]. To measure this friction, a special research method was invented that enabled a tunnel to be recreated. With this setup, any formation could be used. The formation could be created with a hole ...
Many immersed tunnels have already reached or are about to reach the halfway point of their intended lifespan of 100 years. Around this time, several structural problems were noticed during inspection which have led to performance deterioration and durability issues of the tunnel ...

Numerical Modelling of Offshore Pipeline Flotation during Sand Backfilling

Development and validation of a simplified predictive model

Offshore pipelines are considered the arteries of the offshore oil and gas industry and transport hydrocarbon products as well as other fluids. During the installation process of an offshore pipeline, the pipeline is most often located in a trench and covered with backfill materi ...
The historic inner-cities in The Netherlands are largely known for their iconic channels and their accompanying quay walls, of which a significant number were constructed over 100 years ago. Due to the limited available space in the sub-surface of the urban environment, a high nu ...
Differential settlement is a big issue for an immersed tunnel. This will lead to large stress concentrations in the tunnel construction, giving rise to local cracking, failure of the construction, leakage, deterioration of exposed rebar, etc. Variety factors will influence it, li ...
During the boring of a tunnel in soft soils with a slurry TBM, support pressure is used to achieve equilibrium at the face of the TBM. When this equilibrium is not reached, when the face support pressure is too low or too high, settlements will occur. In this research settlement ...

Grouting the tail void

Analysis of the tail void grouting process at the North/South line

To fight increasing traffic in city centres, tunnelling can be used to move traffic under the surface of the busy city. However, to prevent damage to the surrounding buildings, the settlements induced by the tunnelling should be kept to a minimum. This thesis researches the influ ...
In a bored railway tunnel project in the Middle-East, difficulties in terms of ovalization, water leakages and settlement of several lining rings located in a fault zone were observed at the end of the construction stage. The present research attempted to find the cause for this ...
This master thesis aims to do a detailed conceptual design of a tunnel to connect the road A15 and A12, which will cross the Pannerdens canal ( represented by red color in figure 1.1) and a deep comparisonwith the bridge plan solution which has already been adopted by the governm ...

Cement-Bentonite (CB) walls are low permeability vertical cut-off barriers that are mainly used to prevent groundwater flow and isolate contaminated areas. The hydraulic performance of the CB walls depends on the flow rate (discharge) through the wall. Theref ...

Vibratory installation of sheet piles is the most economic and suitable for the sandy soil because of its mechanism. However, the process induces excess pore pressure in saturated conditions leading to subsidence. This research focuses on the development of a tool-based solution ...
Dams and reservoirs pose safety concerns to society worldwide. In case of a disaster, the water impounded in the reservoir escapes and destroys everything in its path. Reasons for failure range from geology, hydrology and seismicity, to design problems, lack of maintenance and po ...
During construction in urban areas often noise and vibrations are not tolerated. For the installation of the foundation piles in these cases there is often chosen for screwed displacement piles. These piles can be installed without nuisance for the vicinity, but do induce large s ...

The Impact of micro-tunnelling on adjacent pile foundations

Numerical modelling of micro-tunnel excavation in PLAXIS

A series of finite element simulations via PLAXIS were carried out to investigate the effects of micro- tunnelling on nearby pile foundations. A numerical model concerning the large diameter tunnel boring machine was first established based on identical properties of the centrifu ...
The starting point of this thesis lies in the area on Groningen, Netherlands. More specifically, induced earthquake activity is observed in this area due to gas extraction activities, which reduce underground gas pressure. In combination with the location’s geomorphology, liquefa ...