M.C. Stellingwerff

25 records found

Creating an experience based learning system

Implementing experience in our learning process and exploring the role of architecture in it

The main objective of this research was to explore the possibilities of adding experience to our learning process and how to create architecture for this new type of learning. This new type of learning is called Trias Discere. Trias Discere is a combination of broad knowledge, de ...
Today, our world is in crisis. No single part of the world can withstand the destructive effects of climate change. So it’s time for action! Rethinking the future presents a blueprint for a new way of life that maximizes the density of a city while creating the highest quality of ...

Project Play

An exploration of how to combine architecture and play

Everything started with my fascination of Pokémon-Go; the cultural moment when the building environment was used differently than intended; massive groups gathered around in public parks and kids invading your backyard. I wanted to understand the behavior of people and the new wa ...

Coney Hotel

Framing the unexpected

Coney Island is a special place. It is both a chimera and a relic. A chimera (is a mythological creature with multiple faces) that shifts and vanishes and reforms right before our eyes. And a relic that has seen so many different stories and has been part of many lives in so many ...
Technological advances over the past centuries have greatly improved our quality of life. However, when we look at historical centres with their vernacular buildings, we seem to prefer them to the modern ones. According to Amos Rapoport there are three types of societies; primiti ...

Configurational Morphology

A Vision of Adaptive Urban Form

Configurational Morphology is a research and design project exploring the potentials of configurational design as a systematic approach to generating site-specific urban form responsive to its environmental, social end economic context. By looking into both the theoretical potent ...

Illusion Garden

Space Manipulation for illusion with Projection Mapping

A exploration of integrating spatial augmented reality (mainly projection mapping) into space design to create spatial illusion. A method to compress the space and change audience's perception of space by mainpulation of these illusion, mainly including influence on some psycholo ...
The built environment consumes 50% of all raw materials, 40% of the total energy and 30% of the total water, in the Netherlands. As climate change looms over and threatens our physical environment, the EU and consequently the Dutch government has proposed multiple stringent regul ...


Typology from demolition

Demology project investigates the potential of recycling concrete rubble from demolition of vacant buildings in Southern Limburg in Netherlands. With the "Demologies" research paper, collaborating with local recycling company I analyze typologies that were demolished in Parkstad ...

The Fungi Factory

Mycelium as a new building block for Parkstad

The graduation project started with my fascination for mycelium-based materials, ecology and the circular economy. The main goal I strive to incorporate within the design project is circularity by integrating the ecology within the existing build environment and society. Therefor ...

Energy flat Buiksloterham

On how to design energy flat multifunctional urban blocks

This research focusses on providing guidelines on how energy flat multifunctionalurban blocks can be designed, including governance components.   First of all, architectural design can play a significant role in reducing themismatch ...


An investigation into games as generative interfaces for architecture

This projects aims to understand architectural entities present in Blaak Market, Rotterdam systematically and map their relation to a geometric game. Doing so would enable the inhabitants to voice their concern by play ing an intuitive game. Beside the new approach to participato ...
The refurbishment of the Dutch post- war residential building stock provides a great potential for energy and CO2 emissions savings, since a large number of buildings were built before 1975 and under low or no energy standards. However, their refurbishment and especially zero-on ...


Courtyards and chinampas for urban water management in Dar es Salaam

The biggest city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, faces increasing flood
risk, causing frequent sickness, loss of life, and widespread damage
to property. Dar es Salaam is one of the fastest growing cities in the
world. More than 70% of the residents live in informal settl ...

The Augmented Design Process

Research into the integration of VR and AR into the architectural design process

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have the potential to enhance the capabilities of the architect. This thesis explores the implications of the integration of these technologies intothe architectural design process. It provides a theoretical framework by discussing what VR &a ...

The Art of Ageing

A search in between the beginning, end and beyond

The Art of Ageing is a manuscript about the transience of life specified in relation to our built environment.
Decay and decline are perpetual processes from the present-day, we as humans are always trying to increase this phenomenon. Such craving for this “youngness stage” r ...

Event & Environment

Research of the effect of an event on its environment and vice versa, with a design for a youth-centre in Kassel in relation to the documenta

This research investigates events as an elementary tool to change the physicality of the environment, the perception of the environment and the behaviour of users within an environment. The main research question being, How can an event influence architecture? To find out what an ...

The Lost Experience

A tool for resistance

The thesis is focused on Paris and the notion of power, prevailing in the city. It is more particularly looking at the experience of control felt within it and how it is possible to design in resistance to this particular aspect.
The graduation was developed along different ...

Urban building energy modeling using a 3D city model and minimizing uncertainty through Bayesian inference

A case study focuses on Amsterdam residential heating demand simulation

To cut down immense greenhouse gases emission and energy consumption in the rapidly urbanizing world, a holistic understanding and rethinking of our dynamic urban energy system are inevitable. Performing bottom-up building energy modelings at urban scale based on Geographic Infor ...