A. Snijders

78 records found


The project act as an example of how biophilic design can be applied into the rehabilitation area of a hospital.The aim of the project is to achieve a faster recovery rate of patients, a better performance of staff and to create a unique experience for the visitors in AMC . Many ...

Recreation from the forest

Design of a lowtech spa in an extraction landscape

Recreation from the forest is a project from the graduation studio Architectural Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. This research and design project explores local energy potentials from the forest. The project is set in the context of IBA Parkstad, which is an ar ...

Floating for Health

A floating solution for the lack of healthcare facilities in rural flood-prone regions of West Bengal, India

"Floating for Health" is a project of the Architectural Engineering graduation studio at the Delft university of Technology. This research and design project explores the problems of rural flood-prone areas in low-income regions and proposes a solution for the lack of healthcare ...

Opportunity in Chaos

Triggering revival of the damaged historic town centres of Italy

April, 2009. A medium-powered earthquake occurs in L’Aquila, Italy, causing disproportionally heavy damage: 308 people are killed, more than 1 500 people are injured and over 65 000 people are rendered homeless. The historic town centre of L’Aquila is among the most heavily affec ...

Hotspring for Parkstad

Synergy between a datacenter and hotspring in the Sibelco quarry

With the shift towards a digital economy, the demand for ICT-capacity is growing fast. The fundamental node of this infrastructure is the datacenter. With the idea of the ´smart city´ as a future perspective, the question rises how the physical manifestation of the data center sh ...

Hybrid prefabricated system for fabric formwork for concrete shells

The renovation of the Hennebique silos building

The projects aims at implementing the use of fabric formwork as an alternative method to renovate existing buildings. As a case study the technique proposed in the research was applied to the new design for the Hennebique silos building in Genoa (Italy).

Playing with light

The relationship between daylight and sports hall designs in the Netherlands

Nowadays it is more desirable for daylight to be the prevalent form of lighting in most types of buildings. However, there has been concern about introducing daylight to sports halls since the design of traditional sports halls has tended to exclude natural light. If one looks at ...

Blooming Pavilion

Temporary Pavilion Design for Marineterrein

The Marineterrien, the innovation hub of Amsterdam, is about to show what is like in the future time. And in this future-visioned site there should be a manifestation which drinks up the nutritiousness of the dream and idea and represent it profoundly to the world.

In t ...
This project is mainly about the revitalization of the old port area of the Chinese city Xiangtan. As a riverside city located in the south part of China, Xiangtan has been through a long historical period during which some of the most formative moments of Chinese politics and ec ...
Driven by the need to think differently about resources, energy, power generation, the choice of materials, and user involvement, we see the built environment in a new perspective. The program, Architectural Engineering, seeks for innovative and inspiring architectural solutions ...

The popUP SUPERstructure

PopUP: responds to the needs of the present, while being able to gain new life in the future SUPERstructure: capacity of structure to be flexible and adapt to various scales and programs

Despite the fact that pop-up and temporary architecture is slowly evolving, there is much room for improvement. While the focus is in the function it serves, it very commonly lacks in the aesthetic aspect and the quality of the space, being perceived by many as cheap, fast and di ...

Berlage behouden

Een functionele versteviging uitbreiding voor monumenten in het aardbevingsgebied van Groningen

A lightweight structural expansion that supports a by earthquakes threatened building and simultaneously adds new living and working space in the seismic area of Groningen.

Design follows nature

Botanical garden design integrating with biomimetic technology and seismic principles

The graduation started from the seismic studio of architecture engineering and designing a earthquake proof architecture. The context of the design in located in the historical garden of Uithuizen in Groningen, which is a potential seismic area. The research focuses on the three ...
To reduce the environmental impact of built environment, a circular approach needs to be implemented on all levels. Resources often travel great distances to their consumers, which leads to an inefficient and wasteful supply chain. Thus, by moving to localized production of all r ...

Kanaän, or the suburb of the polycentric metropolis

Using the energy transition in mobility to serve policy initiatives addressing the decline of population

If we do not anticipate for a transport revolution within 10 years, we are forced back to autarkic ways of life. Transport and our built environment are greatly interrelated. What if we could look at transport from the point of urban development? Is it possible to assess why a mo ...

Return to Eden

The School for Contentment

Technology will not be enough to make our lifestyles sustainable, we have to change our lifestyle and learn to become content and not always strive for more comfort and technological progress. The school for contentment shows the beauty of sober architecture in the picturesque Du ...

From The Ruin To The Re-Birth

Design of a Functional Parasite for the city of L'Aquila

The Project constitutes of the design of a parasite building inside the former church of Santa Maria Paganica in L’Aquila (IT).

After the earthquake of the 6th of April 2009 the city of L’Aquila is experiencing difficulties to proceed with the works of reconstruction and ...

Community of Innovation

Marineterrein 2.0

This project is an attempt to transform a former military base Marineterrein, located in the center of Amsterdam into a Community of Innovation. Based on the research Home in digital age. Apartments for young innovators.
The focus lies on transforming two existing buildings o ...
The graduation studio of Architectural Engineering focuses on the integration of (new) technology in architecture. For this purpose, the name aE/ INTECTURE® was devised, which will be developed further as a brand in the coming years. Students start with a technical fascination an ...
What influence does the architect have in the future? Who is the master builder of the future and is the profession definitely going towards being an architectural stylist employed by the creative or construction industry? And if the architect no longer has a dominant position, i ...