M. Bilow
50 records found
Glass casting displays great forming potential allowing for the realisation of three-dimensional glass elements of virtually any shape and size, as showcased in glass art. Disposable mould technology seems to be ideal for the fabrication of such customised and complex geometries,
Glass serviceability limits
New evidence from human-centred studies
The performance of the building envelope is crucial for minimizing operational carbon emissions of buildings and maintaining indoor comfort. Contemporary building envelopes, such as engineered glazed façades, achieve high performance levels but often add a significant amount of e
Energy-efficient buildings tend to cause thermal discomfort due to overheating during summers. With the advent of climate change and increasing outdoor temperatures, the risk of overheating will be exacerbated. Henceforth, the building design must be future proof or robust for cl
Interlocking cast glass assemblies are a promising solution for architectural cast-glass applications aiming for high transparency and a reversible structure that allows the reuse of the glass components (Oikonomopoulou et al.,2018; Oikonomopoulou,2019b). In such a system, an int
TCompared to flat sheets of float glass, cast glass components have a thicker geometry and thus a high buckling resistance. This buckling resistance in combination with the high compressive strength of glass make cast glass components suitable for the construction of fully transp
Het bouwen van prototypen als proefondervindelijke onderwijsmethode
Bouwkunde aan de TU Delft is bekend om zijn maquettehal. Toen Bouwkunde nog in het oude gebouw zat was er ook een maquettehal en ook toen was het een prachtige plek waar men een groot aantal verschillende maquettes kon zien. Voor bezoekers van Bouwkunde is de maquettehal vaak de
A book about a university docent and one of his courses – why would you do that? And what is the academic impact?@en
Thin glass – such as commonly applied for displays and touchscreen on electronic devices like smartphone and tablets – offers interesting characteristics for architectural applications. Due to its high strength and small thickness the glass can easily be bent in architecturally a
The Prototyping efn Mobile programme ‘emerging envelope’ develops innovative façade constructions with international student teams of the European Façade Network (EFN). The inspiring energy of workshops and 1:1 mock-up buildings generates a plethora of new ideas for intelligent,
In 2014, a 3D-printed Canal House by DUS architects caught the attention of the world – including President Obama. The 3D Print Canal House proved the potentials of Additive Manufacturing for architecture and construction. Additive Manufacturing provides the architect with comple
The ‘LIGHTVAN’ research aims to optimize the lighting design for healthy schools and modern senior housing and care homes with regards to the use of light as a cheap and important source of energy A multi-functional mobile light laboratory was built into a delivery van, the LIGH