R.J. Geldermans
30 records found
Planning for Change
A Methodological Framework for Integrating Circularity at TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment Curricula.
This paper introduces a methodological framework to integrate circularity in architectural curricula and the building blocks that led to its conceptualisation. The first block (Part A) examines how complexity has affected learning and architectural education, in particular. The p
Vernauwen, vertragen en sluiten van stromen
Als gevolg van een wereldwijd groeiende bevolking en de behoefte aan comfortabele en gezonde binnenomgevingen, ligt er een enorme bouwuitdaging in het verschiet met de ontwikkeling van nieuwe bouwprojecten en de noodzaak om de bestaande gebouwenvoorraad te upgraden. Om te zorgen
In recent years, implementing a circular economy in cities (or “circular cities”) has been proposed by policy makers as a potential solution for achieving sustainability. One strategy for circular cities is to reintroduce manufacturing into urban areas (or “urban manufacturing”),
A refined waste flow mapping method
Addressing the material and spatial dimensions of waste flows in the urban territory through big data: the case of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
Fundamental changes in the societal use of biophysical resources are required for a sustainable transformation. Current (urban) metabolism research traces flows of energy and materials and products to capture resource use along value
chains from resource extraction to production
Securing Healthy Circular Material Flows In The Built Environment
The Case Of Indoor Partitioning
Departing from two problem statements, one concerning circularity in the built environment and one concerning flexibility in the built environment, this dissertation sets out to answer two main research questions: – In an Open Building division of support and infill, to what exte
Circular Building Design for the Infill Domain
Materialisation, and Value Network study of the Niaga ECOR Panel innovation
Circular Building gained traction during the past decade in the Netherlands. Circular Building (CB) is rooted in concepts such as Circular Economy and Cradle-to-Cradle®, accentuating closing and continuing of material flows to establish sustainable resource cycles. CB implies tha
The on-line exhibition presents the results of the Horizon20 Project REPAiR in virtual exhibition rooms. Check-out this next generation experience to learn all about circular economy contexts and solutions:@en
Human Health and Well-Being in Relation to Circular and Flexible Infill Design
Assessment Criteria on the Operational Level
This paper addresses the connection between circular building design and residential health and well-being. The general research objective is to determine assessment criteria for the performance of indoor partitioning products in a circular model. The overarching aim is to establ
Circular and Flexible Infill Concepts
Integration of the Residential User Perspective
Circular building has gained considerable attention in the Netherlands during the past decade. It is rooted in concepts such as circular economy (CE) and Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C®), accentuating the closing and coupling of material loops to establish effective and efficient resource
Circular and Flexible Indoor Partitioning
A Design Conceptualization of Innovative Materials and Value Chains
This article sheds light on the materialization and operation of residential partitioning wall components in relation to circular and flexible performance. The hypothesis is twofold: (1) A stronger integration of materialization and operation aspects is indispensable in establish
REPAiR: REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism
D3.3 Process model for the two pilot cases: Amsterdam, the Netherlands & Naples, Italy
Deliverable 3.3 of Work Package 3 concerns an integrated analysis of the two pilot case studies within the REPAiR project, Amsterdam and Naples, from the vantage point of waste production and processing, and the transition to circular societies. It comprises spatial, social and m
REPAiR: REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism
D3.1 Introduction to methodology for integrated spatial, material flow and social analyses
dealing with the linkages between sociocultural features and social sensitiveness about general environmental issues, and particularly about waste and resource management. Task 3.3 has a multilevel scope: secondary sociocultural inquiries are focusing on national level specificit
In onze traditioneel lineaire economie worden materialen gewonnen, verwerkt in
producten en uiteindelijk gestort op stortplaatsen of verbrand in verbrandingsovens. Om de beschikking te kunnen blijven houden over materialen is een paradigmaverschuiving richting circulaire mode ...
producten en uiteindelijk gestort op stortplaatsen of verbrand in verbrandingsovens. Om de beschikking te kunnen blijven houden over materialen is een paradigmaverschuiving richting circulaire mode ...
Design for Change and Circularity
Accommodating Circular Material & Product Flows in Construction
Circular building concepts, as proposed within e.g. Circular Economy and Cradle-to-Cradle frameworks, imply radical changes for the construction sector. Cradle-to-Cradle® in particular has put forward the idea of buildings as material banks, radically altering the way material fl
Beyond Cities
De duurzaamheid voorbij
Er is een massale, wereldwijde migratie van bevolking naar (groot)stedelijke
gebieden. Volgens de Wereld gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) was in 1960
nog slechts 34% van de wereldbevolking gehuisvest in steden terwijl dat naar
verwachting in 2030 reeds 70% zal zijn [1]. D ...
gebieden. Volgens de Wereld gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) was in 1960
nog slechts 34% van de wereldbevolking gehuisvest in steden terwijl dat naar
verwachting in 2030 reeds 70% zal zijn [1]. D ...
Onderzoek in opdracht van de Gemeente Rotterdam.@en