E. Formato

4 records found

REPAiR: REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism

D3.3 Process model for the two pilot cases: Amsterdam, the Netherlands & Naples, Italy

Deliverable 3.3 of Work Package 3 concerns an integrated analysis of the two pilot case studies within the REPAiR project, Amsterdam and Naples, from the vantage point of waste production and processing, and the transition to circular societies. It comprises spatial, social and m ...
REPAiR will provide local and regional authorities with an innovative transdisciplinary open source Geodesign Decision Support Environment (GDSE) developed and implemented in Living Labs (LLs) context, in six metropolitan areas namely Naples, Ghent, Hamburg, Pécs, Łódź and Amster ...

REPAiR: REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism

D3.1 Introduction to methodology for integrated spatial, material flow and social analyses

dealing with the linkages between sociocultural features and social sensitiveness about general environmental issues, and particularly about waste and resource management. Task 3.3 has a multilevel scope: secondary sociocultural inquiries are focusing on national level specificit ...

Circular planning and adaptive design strategies to recycle wasted landscapes

The per-urban territories of campania plain as a case study

The Campania Region, in the South of Italy, is a territory where numerous Wasted Landscapes (WL) are recognisable, as the result of serious social and governmental problems. Through the last decades, many factors have been overlapping in this complex palimpsest: illegal developme ...