R. Sileryte
17 records found
A bottom-up ontology-based approach to monitor circular economy
Aligning user expectations, tools, data and theory
With circular economy being high on governmental agendas, there is an increasing request from governing bodies for circularity measurements. Yet, currently existing macro-level monitoring frameworks are widely criticized for not being able to inform the decision-making. The criti
European Waste Statistics data for a Circular Economy Monitor
Opportunities and limitations from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region
As appointed in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, cities and regions in EU member countries start accompanying their circular economy strategies by monitoring frameworks, often called Circular Economy Monitors (CEM). Having the task to assess the performance towards the achiev
The responsibility of waste production
Comparison of European waste statistics regulation and Dutch National Waste Registry
The announcement of a new Circular Economy Action Plan as part of the European Green Deal policy has created an urgent need for the reliable information on resource flows to monitor and support the transition. An updated Monitoring Framework is set to rely as much as possible on
3D city models for urban mining
Point cloud based semantic enrichment for spectral variation identification in hyperspectral imagery
Urban mining aims at reusing building materials enclosed in our cities. Therefore, it requires accurate information on the availability of these materials for each separate building. While recent publications have demonstrated that such information can be obtained using machine l
A refined waste flow mapping method
Addressing the material and spatial dimensions of waste flows in the urban territory through big data: the case of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
Fundamental changes in the societal use of biophysical resources are required for a sustainable transformation. Current (urban) metabolism research traces flows of energy and materials and products to capture resource use along value
chains from resource extraction to production
Improving waste and resource management entails working on interrelations between different material flows, territories and groups of actors. This calls for new decision support tools for translating the complex information on flows into accessible knowledge usable by stakeholde
Reproducible research and GIScience
An evaluation using AGILE conference papers
The demand for reproducible research is on the rise in disciplines concerned with data analysis and computational methods. Therefore, we reviewed current recommendations for reproducible research and translated them into criteria for assessing the reproducibility of articles in t
The concept of Circular Economy has gained momentum during the last decade. Yet unsustainable circular systems can also create unintended social, economic and environmental damage. Sustainability is highly dependent on a system’s geographical context, such as location of resource
Transitioning towards circular economy requires changes in the current system which yield a number of impacts on such fundamental values as human health, natural environment, exhaustible resources, social well-being and prosperity. Moreover, this process involves multiple actors
REPAiR: REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism
D2.1 Vision of the GDSE Applications
REPAiR applies a geodesign approach to the field of waste and resource management. On that account, it aims to reveal both local and space-specific challenges of waste and resource management as well as integrated and place-based eco- innovative solutions for these challenges. In
Simulating natural ventilation in large sports buildings
Prediction of temperature and airflow patterns in the early design stages
In large sport’s buildings, a big part of energy can be saved by providing natural instead of mechanical ventilation. However, additional challenges arise while controlling airflow and temperatures in different zones. These measures
highly depend on the shape, construction and ve
Parametric modelling allows quick generation of a large number of design alternatives. Ultimately, it can be combined with optimization algorithms for obtaining optimal performance-driven design. However, setup of design space for optimization is a very complex task requiring des
The design of sport buildings has great impact on top-sport as well as on recreational sport-activities. It implies challenging tasks in meeting the performance-requirements. This includes the control of factors like daylight/lighting, air flow, thermal conditions, just to name a
The paper presents a workflow for collecting, structuring and processing geo-referenced recreational mobility data from a sports tracking application as to monitor recreational usage of urban spaces. The data collected include GPS trajectories of people walking, jogging, and runn
Building performance simulations are usually timeconsuming. They may account for the major portion of time spent in Computational Design Optimization (CDO), for instance, annual hourly daylight and energy simulations. In this case, the optimization may become less efficient or ev
CycloMedia is a Dutch company specialized in the large-scale and systematic visualization of environments based on 360° panoramic photographs. The images are captured from public roads at street level, using a car to carry a panoramic camera system. High resolution spherical pano