P.G. Luscuere

102 records found


A Tool for Generating IndoorGML and Building Configuration Model from IFC

IFC2BCM is a novel software tool designed to generate IndoorGML and Building Configuration Models (BCM) from IFC/BIM models. The primary motivation behind IFC2BCM is to develop a tool for generating BCM as the core foundation of a Spatial Design Support System that will evaluate ...
Hospital layout significantly influences hospital service quality, demanding robust tools for informed decision-making during the layout design stage. This study presents a novel Hospital Configuration Model as the foundational component of a Hospital Design Support System, which ...
This article investigates the efficacy of temperature-controlled airflow systems in modern operating rooms for contaminant control, a critical factor in preventing surgical site infections. We have conducted experimental measurements in an operating room equipped with temperature ...
Background: The objective of an operating room (OR) ultra-clean ventilation system is to eliminate or reduce the quantity of dust particles and colony-forming units per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3). To achieve this, ultra-clean goal high air change rates per hour are re ...
The operating room (OR) department is one of the most energy-intensive departments of a hospital. The majority of ORs in the Netherlands have an air-handling installation with an ultra-clean ventilation system. However, not all surgeries require an ultra-clean OR.< ...
Ultra-clean ventilation systems are used in the operating room (OR) to reduce the quantity of airborne bacteria in the ultra-clean area, and reduce the incidence of surgical site infections (SSIs). When the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) in the ultra-clean (protected) area ...
This study presents a systematic review of the literature on decision support for designing hospital layouts using spatial network analysis and/or simulation modelling. The review includes 102 articles, which are classified into five different categories concerning their layout-r ...
When making a decision on the operating room air handling installation and type of air supply system, it is relevant to know the expenditures of the different air handling installations and air supply systems. The aim of this study was to determine the capital and operational exp ...
This research gives an overview of the current comfort and energy performance, and optional future design of highly transparent and lightweight buildings. The transparent Co-Creation Centre in the Green Village at the TU Delft, has a combination of active and passive climate cont ...
The authors regret that they have missed during the review process that the legend belonging to figure 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d is not shown. It is necessary to show the legenda otherwise the readers cannot interpret the graphs. Apologies that we missed it during the review process of t ...
Background: Entrainment test methods are described in most European standards and guidelines to determine the protected area for ultra-clean ventilation (UCV) systems. New UCV systems, such as temperature-controlled airflow (TcAF) and controlled dilution ventilation (cDV) systems ...
The port of Rotterdam has been intertwined with the petrochemical industry for over a century. However, we are confronted today with the urgent necessity of transitioning away from fossil fuels and powering our energy and production systems with renewables. The Port of Rotterdam ...
This paper addresses the connection between circular building design and residential health and well-being. The general research objective is to determine assessment criteria for the performance of indoor partitioning products in a circular model. The overarching aim is to establ ...

Circular and Flexible Indoor Partitioning

A Design Conceptualization of Innovative Materials and Value Chains

This article sheds light on the materialization and operation of residential partitioning wall components in relation to circular and flexible performance. The hypothesis is twofold: (1) A stronger integration of materialization and operation aspects is indispensable in establish ...

Wat leren we van Duitsland over waterstof?

Deelname TVVL Directiecollege en studiereis

Waterstof is mogelijk een van de belangrijkste toekomstige dragers van een duurzame energievoorziening. De kringloop zon en water naar elektriciteit en water is elegant, duurzaam, niet-vervuilend en qua energiebron gratis. De Maatschappelijke AdviesRaad (MAR) van TVVL heeft de wa ...

Circular and Flexible Infill Concepts

Integration of the Residential User Perspective

Circular building has gained considerable attention in the Netherlands during the past decade. It is rooted in concepts such as circular economy (CE) and Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C®), accentuating the closing and coupling of material loops to establish effective and efficient resource ...

Nederland circulair in 2050

Wat betekent dat en kan het ueberhaupt?

In september 2016 is in het kader van een Rijksbreed programma Circulaire Economie1 een publicatie verschenen getiteld: ‘Nederland circulair in 2050’. Het is een gemeenschappelijke publicatie van – destijds – het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, het Ministerie van Economi ...