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C.P. van Beers

29 records found

Decarbonizing Hard-to-Abate Industries in Northwestern Europe

A socio-technical innovation system and techno-economic analysis on the most promising hydrogen sources

Within the energy transition, green hydrogen stands as a key solution for decarbonizing sectors where direct electrification is not viable. This thesis focuses on the competitive landscape of hydrogen production in North-Western Europe, addressing the technological and geographic ...

A new way of using persuasive games for multi-actor problems

An explorative case study on the tightness of the labor market of the Port of Rotterdam

This master's thesis explores the potential of persuasive games for addressing challenges in multiactor systems. For many multi-actor system problems, the different actors need to take action to handle these problems. Persuasive gaming is proposed as a method that can stimulate t ...
This master’s thesis explores the future of citizen participation in public decision-making in the Netherlands. Citizen participation is regarded as an important aspect of the Dutch democracy since it is used to gain insights into what the citizens consider important. Currently, ...

Understanding long-term labour market dynamics under deep uncertainty

A system dynamics approach for a labour market system

The Netherlands is subject to labour scarcity across a variety of industries. While labour scarcity has occurred in the past, only now the consequences of higher educational attainment have become prevalent in the Netherlands. Due to a shortage of vocational workers and a populat ...
Medical equipment supplied to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are often substandard and inappropriate to the contextual needs. The majority of equipment entering these countries are donated or financed by external agencies. Procurement of equipment also happens through p ...

The Role of Financial Speculation in Commodity Markets: Harmful or Helpful?

A System Dynamics Model to Explore the Effects of Financial Speculation in the Soybeans Market

Recent years have shown an increased level of food insecurity: a surge in the level of poverty and hunger in low-income countries caused by higher global food prices. One of the potential causes of the commodity price spikes is the process of financialization, including an increa ...
In Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), a significant challenge lies in the misalignment between available medical equipment and the specific needs of these regions. For example the needs of being adapted to low resource settings. A lot of medical equipment is not adapted to ...
According to the Paris agreement in 2015, global warming should be limited by applying new innovative technologies in the industry in order to keep the global temperature 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Governmental organisations, institutes and manufacturing compa ...

Strategic Market Entry for Energy Aggregator Firms in the Netherlands

A qualitative study exploring potential business strategies and business models and their viability for aggregators in the Netherlands

A profound change is occurring in the Dutch energy system and significant growth in energy production from renewables can be observed. This requires flexibility solutions to balance the demand and supply of electricity. As described by the European Union in the Clean Energy Packa ...
Currently, medical technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are not yet sufficient to provide robust healthcare systems. This is not due to it being unavailable, but due to a large portion of present technologies being non-functional. This non-functionality also causes a lack of ...

Requirements Tracing in Agile Environments

A management-oriented approach: Developing a practical framework and roadmap to resolve the tensions of integrating requirements traceability in Agile environments

Scholars have studied for many years the challenges of integrating requirements traceability in Agile environments. The developed tools, frameworks, and models in the literature take a rather technical perspective on the problem. The scholars focus primarily on mechanisms that pr ...
Technology has an increasing role in the modern day health care system. Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) is an area of biomedical engineering including the domains of planning, needs assessment, selection, procurement, donations, inventory, installation and maintenance of m ...
Almost 25 million people in Indonesia are still living in poverty. Most of these people are living in a rural area. Energy provision is considered as one of the first steps towards poverty alleviation. However, there are many challenges faced by the Indonesian government in provi ...
The Global Financial Crisis caused by the collapse of the U.S. financial system had immense repercussions for the Eurozone countries. The fall-out of the global crisis turned out to be quite different for the “economically healthy” economies of Northern Europe and “core” and the ...
Out of all the events and phenomena surrounding the financial crisis of 2007/2008, one stood out: financialization. What is financialization, why does it occur, and is it problematic? It can be described as the financial sector increasing in size and importance relative to the re ...
The European Union (EU) landfilled and incinerated 600 million tons of waste in 2013, which could have been recycled and returned as raw material to the economy. Resource efficiency can regain this value and bring economic, environmental and social benefits. The EU has therefore ...

Competitiveness of Renewable Energy

An empirical study examining the relative cost of energy generation to determine the competitiveness of renewable technologies within the German electricity market.

This thesis examines the competitiveness of renewable energy technology compared to conventional power generation methods by examining the relative cost of solar PV, wind, and coal. The findings of this analysis seek to answer the primary hypothesis: The unique application of Lev ...
What makes a startup successful? How to define success? Existent models on startup success prediction often left aside significant predictors which may not be available in typical business databases such as crunchbase. com. In this research, focused on a population of five thousa ...
Climate change has been largely attributed to global temperatures rising over the years. This has been further mitigated by the increased usage of fossil fuels, deforestation, increased livestock farming, and chemical emissions, as a result of the large-scale industrialization of ...
To fend off the probable adverse effects of climate change as well as the subsequent economic and social impacts as a consequence of humans’ industrial activities, drastic changes are required in the way of processing, managing and exploiting natural resources. Based on a case st ...