J.O. Kroesen

107 records found

The research conducted within the Palestinian Dutch Academic Cooperation on Water (PADUCO) program confirms that capacitive electrodialysis (CED) has the potential of becoming the next innovation in water purification. It uses less energy (<0.5 kWh/m3 ) than reverse osmosis (3 ...
Growing population pressure, climate change and urbanization necessitate the increase of agricultural production and innovation. Horticulture by means of protected cultivation primarily for vegetables production seems promising by creating a controlled environment for light, temp ...
Usually the present-day understanding of Africa doesn't look back beyond its colonial past. But the difficulties of African nation states with the Western system of a strong and accountable state and an open civil society have to be understood from the perspective of the precolon ...

The end of neoliberalism and the beginning of talking business

A value oriented approach to entrepreneurship in Kenya

The neoliberal approach dominating the globalization process is criticized in this contribution as not working for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Kenyan situation. It is a shortcut of the Western social and economic heritage in the first place. It has a limited understa ...
In Africa slowly but steadily a transformation is taking place in the management styles of enterprises. There is a trend towards more precise time management, more precision in dealing with increasingly sophisticated technology, more feedback from the bottom to the top in order t ...
Instead of presenting a business approach or a community (NGO) approach towards development as an either-or alternative, these two in actual fact constitute a continuum. This is particularly the case if the bottom of the pyramid is targeted, like smallholder farmers. Social enter ...
This contribution answers the question: what capacities are required for engineers to participate in entrepreneurship for development, specifically in developing countries? Related to this main question is a number of sub-questions: (a) What extra demands does a different cultura ...
For entrepreneurship to flourish an enabling institutional and cultural environment is required. On the surface of things entrepreneurship is dependent on initiatives of daring and competitive individuals, but implicitly in the notion of entrepreneurship there are also assumption ...
This paper takes a capability approach to analyze the role of entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of present-day Sub Saharan Africa. The paper zooms in on the nature of the capabilities that are built through the development of entrepreneurship; the key challenges ...