Michael J. Manfra

16 records found

Quantum interference of electron tunneling occurs in any system where multiple tunneling paths connect states. This unavoidably arises in two-dimensional semiconducting qubit arrays, and must be controlled as a prerequisite for the manipulation and readout of hybrid topological a ...
We study a phase-tunable four-terminal Josephson junction formed in an InSbAs two-dimensional electron gas proximitized by aluminum. By embedding the two pairs of junction terminals in asymmetric DC superconducting quantum-interference devices (SQUIDs) we can control the supercon ...
Artificial Kitaev chains can be used to engineer Majorana bound states (MBSs) in superconductor–semiconductor hybrids1,2,3,4. In this work, we realize a two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas by coupling two quantum dots through a region proximitized by a superco ...
Cooper pairs occupy the ground state of superconductors and are typically composed of maximally entangled electrons with opposite spin. In order to study the spin and entanglement properties of these electrons, one must separate them spatially via a process known as Cooper pair s ...
Tunneling spectroscopy measurements are often used to probe the energy spectrum of Andreev bound states (ABSs) in semiconductor-superconductor hybrids. Recently, this spectroscopy technique has been incorporated into planar Josephson junctions (JJs) formed in two-dimensional elec ...
Anomalous nematic states, recently discovered in ultraclean two-dimensional electron gas, emerge from quantum Hall stripe phases upon further cooling. These states are hallmarked by a local minimum (maximum) in the hard (easy) longitudinal resistance and by an incipient plateau i ...
Indium-antimonide (InSb) two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) have a unique combination of material properties: high electron mobility, a strong spin-orbit interaction, a large Landé g factor, and a small effective mass. This makes them an attractive platform to explore a varie ...
In spite of its ubiquity in strongly correlated systems, the competition of paired and nematic ground states remains poorly understood. Recently such a competition was reported in the two-dimensional electron gas at filling factor ν = 5/2. At this filling factor a pressure-induce ...
Electrostatic confinement in semiconductors provides a flexible platform for the emulation of interacting electrons in a two-dimensional lattice, including in the presence of gauge fields. This combination offers the potential to realize a wide host of quantum phases. Capacitance ...
Low-temperature illumination of a two-dimensional electron gas in GaAs quantum wells is known to greatly improve the quality of high-field magnetotransport. The improvement is known to occur even when the carrier density and mobility remain unchanged, but what exactly causes it r ...
We report on microwave-induced resistance oscillations (MIROs) in a tunable-density 30-nm-wide GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. We find that the MIRO amplitude increases dramatically with carrier density. Our analysis shows that the anticipated increase in the effective microwave power ...
Under hydrostatic pressure, the ground state of a two-dimensional electron gas at ν=5/2 changes from a fractional quantum Hall state to the stripe phase. By measuring the energy gap of the fractional quantum Hall state and of the onset temperature of the stripe phase, we mapped o ...
We performed effective mass measurements employing microwave-induced resistance oscillation in a tunable-density GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. Our main result is a clear observation of an effective mass increase with decreasing density, in general agreement with earlier studies which ...
We investigate quantum Hall stripes under an in-plane magnetic field B in a variable-density two-dimensional electron gas. At filling factor ν=9/2, we observe one, two, and zero Binduced reorientations at low, intermediate, and high densities, respectively. The appearance of thes ...
A Corbino ring geometry is utilized to analyze edge and bulk conductance of InAs/GaSb quantum well structures. We show that edge conductance exists in the trivial regime of this theoretically predicted topological system with a temperature-insensitive linear resistivity per unit ...
Until the late 1980s, phases of matter were understood in terms of Landau's symmetry-breaking theory. Following the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, the introduction of a second class of phases, those with topological order, was necessary. Phase transitions within the first ...