A. Seth
40 records found
While shoulder injuries resulting from the bench press exercise are commonly reported, no biomechanical evidence for lowering injury risk is currently available. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare musculoskeletal shoulder loads and potential injury risk during
People suffering from conditions affecting their activities of daily living and those who do straining repetitive tasks could be assisted using supportive devices. These devices have generally been stiff in design, with more recent advances exploring soft suits, removing the need
In this work, we propose a method of capturing the patient’s discomfort during robotic shoulder physiotherapy, creating "discomfort maps". These maps depict the personalized distribution of discomfort that each patient perceived across their shoulder range of motion, facilitating
Modeling of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in children
What can we learn?: Update to parts I&II: A systematic review of animal, mathematical and physical models
Inflicted shaking trauma can cause injury in infants, but exact injury mechanisms remain unclear. Controversy exists, particularly in courts, whether additional causes such as impact are required to produce injuries found in cases of (suspected) shaking. Publication rates of stud
Neuromuscular disorders often lead to ankle plantar flexor muscle weakness, which impairs ankle push-off power and forward propulsion during gait. To improve walking speed and reduce metabolic cost of transport (mCoT), patients with plantar flexor weakness are provided dorsal-lea
Human Modeling in Physical Human-Robot Interaction
A Brief Survey
The advancement and development of human modeling have greatly benefited from principles used in robotics, for instance, multibody dynamics laid the foundations for physics engines of human movement simulation, and the robotics and control theory were used to contextualize human
In this research, we propose a novel method to estimate and monitor rotator cuff tendon strains during active robotic-assisted rehabilitation. This is a significant step forward from our previous work which estimated these tendon strains during passive exercises (i.e., no muscle
Does enforcing glenohumeral joint stability matter?
A new rapid muscle redundancy solver highlights the importance of non-superficial shoulder muscles
The complexity of the human shoulder girdle enables the large mobility of the upper extremity, but also introduces instability of the glenohumeral (GH) joint. Shoulder movements are generated by coordinating large superficial and deeper stabilizing muscles spanning numerous degre
Humans typically coordinate their muscles to meet movement objectives like minimizing energy expenditure. In the presence of pathology, new objectives gain importance, like reducing loading in an osteoarthritic joint, but people often do not change their muscle coordination patte
An open-source toolbox for inertial-measurement-unit-based measurement of lower extremity kinematics over long durations
Background: The ability to measure joint kinematics in natural environments over long durations using inertial measurement units (IMUs) could enable at-home monitoring and personalized treatment of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. However, drift, or the accumulation of
Conclusion or Illusion
Quantifying Uncertainty in Inverse Analyses From Marker-Based Motion Capture due to Errors in Marker Registration and Model Scaling
Estimating kinematics from optical motion capture with skin-mounted markers, referred to as an inverse kinematic (IK) calculation, is the most common experimental technique in human motion analysis. Kinematics are often used to diagnose movement disorders and plan treatment strat
Markerless estimation of 3D Kinematics has the great potential to clinically diagnose and monitor movement disorders without referrals to expensive motion capture labs; however, current approaches are limited by performing multiple de-coupled steps to estimate the kinematics of a
Neuromusculoskeletal models can be used to evaluate aberrant muscle function in cerebral palsy (CP), for example by estimating muscle and joint contact forces during gait. However, to be accurate, models should include representative musculotendon parameters. We aimed to estimate
From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion
Reflex Inspired Compensation on Planned and Unplanned Downsteps
Humans are able to negotiate downstep behaviors-both planned and unplanned-with remarkable agility and ease. The goal of this paper is to systematically study the translation of this human behavior to bipedal walking robots, even if the morphology is inherently different. Concret
In this work, we propose a method for monitoring and managing rotator-cuff (RC) tendon strains in human-robot collaborative physical therapy for shoulder rehabilitation. We integrate a high-resolution biomechanical model with a collaborative industrial robot arm and an impedance
Accurate computation of joint angles from optical marker data using inverse kinematics methods requires that the locations of markers on a model match the locations of experimental markers on participants. Marker registration is the process of positioning the model markers so tha
In this work, we explore using computational musculoskeletal modeling to equip an industrial collaborative robot with awareness of the internal state of a patient to safely deliver physical therapy. A major concern of robot-mediated physical therapy is that robots may unwittingly
Musculoskeletal models enable movement scientists to examine muscle function by computing the mechanical work done by muscles during motor tasks. To estimate muscle work accurately requires a model that is physiologically plausible. Previous models of the human shoulder have coup
Simulating musculoskeletal dynamics and neuromuscular control to study human and animal movement
Movement is fundamental to human and animal life, emerging through interaction of complex neural, muscular, and skeletal systems. Study of movement draws from and contributes to diverse fields, including biology, neuroscience, mechanics, and robotics. OpenSim unites methods from
Rectus femoris transfer surgery affects balance recovery in children with cerebral palsy
A computer simulation study
Stiff-knee gait is a troublesome movement disorder among children with cerebral palsy (CP), where peak swing phase knee flexion is diminished due to over-activity of the rectus femoris muscle. A common treatment for stiff-knee gait, rectus femoris transfer surgery, moves the musc