Rob A. Bilo

5 records found

Modeling of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in children

What can we learn?: Update to parts I&II: A systematic review of animal, mathematical and physical models

Inflicted shaking trauma can cause injury in infants, but exact injury mechanisms remain unclear. Controversy exists, particularly in courts, whether additional causes such as impact are required to produce injuries found in cases of (suspected) shaking. Publication rates of stud ...
Child abuse, irrespective of the type of child abuse, probably is the most prevalent risk factor for the development of children. Physical abuse is the type of abuse with the highest risk of infliction of injuries. The most injured organ due to physical abuse is the skin, with br ...
A fracture is a partial or complete disruption of the continuity of bone or cartilage, due to mechanical forces exceeding the strength of the bone or cartilage to withstand these forces.Fractures are common in children. In a large Swedish study, the overall annual incidence of fr ...

Modeling of inflicted head injury by shaking trauma in children: what can we learn?:

Part II: A systematic review of mathematical and physical models

Various types of complex biomechanical models have been published in the literature to better understand processes related to inflicted head injury by shaking trauma (IHI-ST) in infants. In this systematic review, a comprehensive overview of these models is provided. A systematic ...
Inflicted blunt force trauma and/or repetitive acceleration-deceleration trauma in infants can cause brain injury. Yet, the exact pathophysiologic mechanism with its associated thresholds remains unclear. In this systematic review an overview of animal models for shaking trauma a ...