K. Veerkamp

7 records found

Background: Most cases of toe walking in children are idiopathic. We used pathology-specific neuromusculoskeletal predictive simulations to identify potential underlying neural and muscular mechanisms contributing to idiopathic toe walking. Methods: A musculotendon contracture wa ...
Spasticity is a common impairment within pediatric neuromusculoskeletal disorders. How spasticity contributes to gait deviations is important for treatment selection. Our aim was to evaluate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying gait deviations seen in children with spasti ...
Neuromusculoskeletal models can be used to evaluate aberrant muscle function in cerebral palsy (CP), for example by estimating muscle and joint contact forces during gait. However, to be accurate, models should include representative musculotendon parameters. We aimed to estimate ...
Accurate predictive simulations of human gait rely on optimisation criteria to solve the system's redundancy. Defining such criteria is challenging, as the objectives driving the optimization of human gait are unclear. This study evaluated how minimising various physiologically-b ...
Background: Bilateral plantarflexor muscle weakness is a common impairment in many neuromuscular diseases. However, the way in which severity of plantarflexor weakness affects gait in terms of walking energy cost and speed is not fully understood. Predictive simulations are an at ...
Neuro-musculoskeletal modelling can provide insight into the aberrant muscle function during walking in those suffering cerebral palsy (CP). However, such modelling employs optimization to estimate muscle activation that may not account for disturbed motor control and muscle weak ...