Circular Image

268 records found



Text Detection for Fine-Grained Object Classification

This paper focuses on fine-grained object classification using recognized scene text in natural images. While the state-of-the-art relies on visual cues only, this paper is the first work which proposes to combine textual and visual cues. Another novelty is the textual cue ext ...

There is an inherent need for autonomous cars, drones, and other robots to have a notion of how their environment behaves and to anticipate changes in the near future. In this work, we focus on anticipating future appearance given the current frame of a video. Existing work fo ...


Unsupervised Action Proposals from Spatiotemporal Super-Voxels

This paper considers the problem of localizing actions in videos as sequences of bounding boxes. The objective is to generate action proposals that are likely to include the action of interest, ideally achieving high recall with few proposals. Our contributions are threefold. ...

The ability to amplify or reduce subtle image changes over time is useful in contexts such as video editing, medical video analysis, product quality control and sports. In these contexts there is often large motion present which severely distorts current video amplification metho ...
This paper is on active learning where the goal is to reduce the data annotation burden by interacting with a (human) oracle during training. Standard active learning methods ask the oracle to annotate data samples. Instead, we take a profoundly different approach: we ask for ann ...

In the face of scarcity in detailed training annotations, the ability to perform object localization tasks in real-time with weak-supervision is very valuable. However, the computational cost of generating and evaluating region proposals is heavy. We adapt the concept of Class ...

No spare parts

Sharing part detectors for image categorization

This work aims for image categorization by learning a representation of discriminative parts. Different from most existing part-based methods, we argue that parts are naturally shared between image categories and should be modeled as such. We motivate our approach with a quantita ...
Learning powerful feature representations with CNNs is hard when training data are limited. Pre-training is one way to overcome this, but it requires large datasets sufficiently similar to the target domain. Another option is to design priors into the model, which can range from ...
This paper adds depth to motion magnification. With the rise of cheap RGB+D cameras depth information is readily available. We make use of depth to make motion magnification robust to occlusion and large motions. Current approaches require a manual drawn pixel mask over all frame ...

Spot On

Action Localization from Pointly-Supervised Proposals

We strive for spatio-temporal localization of actions in videos. The state-of-the-art relies on action proposals at test time and selects the best one with a classifier trained on carefully annotated box annotations. Annotating action boxes in video is cumbersome, tedious, and er ...
This work considers the task of object proposal scoring by integrating the consistency between state- of-the-art object proposal algorithms. It represents a novel way of thinking about proposals, as it starts with the assumption that consistent proposals are most likely centered ...


Bypassing feature extraction in action categorization

This method introduces an efficient manner of learning action categories without the need of feature estimation. The approach starts from low-level values, in a similar style to the successful CNN methods. However, rather than extracting general image features, we learn to predic ...
This work advocates Eulerian motion representation learning over the current standard Lagrangian optical flow model. Eulerian motion is well captured by using phase, as obtained by decomposing the image through a complex-steerable pyramid. We discuss the gain of Eulerian motion i ...


The millions of filter weights in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), all have a well-defined and analytical expression for the partial derivative to the loss function. Therefor these weights can be learned from data with a technique called gradient descent optimization. While ...
This report describes the process of the Bachelorproject(TI3806) done for ‘De Energiebespaarders’, a startup in Amsterdam striving to make homes more energy efficient through accessible advice and installation of insulation or solar panels. The goal of the project was to apply ma ...
Speech is a natural way of communicating that does not require us to develop any new skills in order to be able to interact with electronic devices. With the evolution of technology, speech has become one of the primary means of communication. Speech recognition is a form of mult ...
Segmentation of medical images is always a challenge due to complicated anatomical structures and poor image quality. In this paper, aiming to solve dual surfaces segmentation problems, we propose a two-layer levelset method with an efficient distance constraint. With the distanc ...
In this thesis, we propose a novel unsupervised clean-noisy datasets adaptation algorithm based on standard deep learning networks. Specifically, we jointly learn a shared feature encoder for two tasks: 1)supervised classification trained on labeled source (clean) dataset, and 2) ...
A pathological tremor is an involuntary and periodic motion of a body part. The detection and quantification of a pathological tremor are essential for diagnosis and therapy. The goal of this research is to detect the frequency of the pathological tremor. Instead of detecting tre ...
Motocross is a popular, but dangerous sport: improvements in performance and safety should be made to make it more attractive and less dangerous. By automatically recognizing activities of the rider on the track, riders can be informed about dangerous situations, and fans can be ...