51 records found


Cross domain image matching between image collections from different source and target domains is challenging in times of deep learning due to i) limited variation of image conditions in a training set, ii) lack of paired-image labels during training, iii) the existing of outlier ...
Understanding how cities visually differ from each others is interesting for planners, residents, and historians. We investigate the interpretation of deep features learned by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for city recognition. Given a trained city recognition network, we ...
Built form dominates the urban space where most people live and work and provides a visual reflection of the local, regional and global esthetical, social, cultural, technological and economic factors and values. Street-view images and historical photo archives are therefore an i ...
The ArchiMediaL project aims to bridge between data science and researches on contemporary and historical built environments by developing state of the art AI algorithms for the automatic linking of available meta-data and image repositories. As a case-study we use the 360,000+ h ...

We address the interpretability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for predicting a geo-location from an image. In a pilot experiment we classify images of Pittsburgh vs Tokyo and visualize the learned CNN filters. We found that varying the CNN architecture leads to varia ...

Speech intelligibility enhancement is considered for multiple-microphone acquisition and single loudspeaker rendering. This is based on the mutual information measured between the message spoken at far-end environment and the message perceived by a listener at near-end. We pro ...

The combination of baseband and analog precoding for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is considered in this paper which is referred to as hybrid precoding. The system capacity, as a design criterion, is maximized subject to unit modulus constraints on the elements ...

Gigabit wireless transmission in dispersive environments

Channel characterization and signal processing algorithms

The advent of the digital era has revolutionized many aspect of our society and has significantly improved the quality of our lives. Consequently, signal processing has gained a considerable attention as the science behind the digital life. Among different applications for signal ...
The processing required for the global maximization of the intelligibility of speech acquired by multiple microphones and rendered by a single loudspeaker, is considered in this paper. The intelligibility is quantized, based on the mutual information rate between the message spok ...


Vegetation phenology is the interaction between vegetation activities and ecosystem. Accurate monitoring of vegetation phenology is required to build models and enhance the understanding of the relationship between creatures and climate-environment. PhenoCam is a ground-level, we ...
We propose a framework to interpret deep convolutional models for visual place classification. Given a deep place classification model, our proposed method produces visual explanations and saliency maps that reveal the understanding of images by the model. To evaluate the interpr ...
This work proposes a method for matching images from different domains in an unsupervised manner, and detecting outlier samples in the target domain at the same time. This matching problem is made difficult by i) the different domain images that are related but under different co ...
This report describes the process of the Bachelorproject(TI3806) done for ‘De Energiebespaarders’, a startup in Amsterdam striving to make homes more energy efficient through accessible advice and installation of insulation or solar panels. The goal of the project was to apply ma ...