Cross Domain Image Matching in Presence of Outliers

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Cross domain image matching between image collections from different source and target domains is challenging in times of deep learning due to i) limited variation of image conditions in a training set, ii) lack of paired-image labels during training, iii) the existing of outliers that makes image matching domains not fully overlap. To this end, we propose an end-to-end architecture that can match cross domain images without labels in the target domain and handle non-overlapping domains by outlier detection. We leverage domain adaptation and triplet constraints for training a network capable of learning domain invariant and identity distinguishable representations, and iteratively detecting the outliers with an entropy loss and our proposed weighted MK-MMD. Extensive experimental evidence on Office [17] dataset and our proposed datasets Shape, Pitts-CycleGAN shows that the proposed approach yields state-of-the-art cross domain image matching and outlier detection performance on different benchmarks. The code will be made publicly available.


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