H. Jamali-Rad
26 records found
Humans have a unique ability to learn new representations from just a handful of examples with little to no supervision. Deep learning models, however, require an abundance of data and supervision to perform at a satisfactory level. Unsupervised few-shot learning (U-FSL) is the p
Learnable Activation Binarizer for Binary Neural Networks
Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are receiving an up-surge of attention for bringing power-hungry deep learning towards edge devices. The traditional wisdom in this space is to employ sign(.) for binarizing feature maps. We argue and illustrate that sign(.) is a uniqueness bottlenec
Self-Supervised Class-Cognizant Few-Shot Classification
2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Unsupervised learning is argued to be the dark matter of human intelligence. To build in this direction, this paper focuses on unsupervised learning from an abundance of unlabeled data followed by few-shot fine-tuning on a downstream classification task. To this aim, we extend a
Classical federated learning approaches incur significant performance degradation in the presence of non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) client data. A possible direction to address this issue is forming clusters of clients with roughly IID data. Most solutions
Tilted cross-entropy (TCE)
Promoting fairness in semantic segmentation
Traditional empirical risk minimization (ERM) for semantic segmentation can disproportionately advantage or disadvantage certain target classes in favor of an (unfair but) improved overall performance. Inspired by the recently introduced tilted ERM (TERM), we propose tilted cross
Semantic segmentation is one of the most fundamental problems in computer vision with significant impact on a wide variety of applications. Adversarial learning is shown to be an effective approach for improving semantic segmentation quality by enforcing higher-level pixel correl
This paper focuses on the design of a Fourier dictionary matrix formed by selecting specific rows of the inverse discrete Fourier transform matrix based on coherence-related metrics. While maximum coherence is a popular metric in compressive sampling, we also consider rms LN-cohe
Dual decomposition has been successfully employed in a variety of distributed convex optimization problems solved by a network of computing and communicating nodes. Often, when the cost function is separable but the constraints are coupled, the dual decomposition scheme involves