Y Wang
61 records found
It is a challenge for traditional building control systems to meet occupants’ needs in shared spaces due to the lack of understanding of individual occupant thermal preferences. This is a barrier to balancing energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality (IEQ). Advanced stat
In temporal action localization, given an input video, the goal is to predict which actions it contains, where they begin, and where they end. Training and testing current state-of- the-art deep learning models requires access to large amounts of data and computational power. How
Urban Pandemic Vulnerability and COVID-19
A New Framework to Assess the Impacts of Global Pandemics in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam
This paper presents the concept of urban pandemic vulnerability as a crucial framework for understanding how COVID-19 affects cities and how they react to pandemics. We adapted existing social and environmental urban vulnerability frameworks to assess pandemic impacts and respons
Forest Landscape Restoration as Design Strategy for Resilient Heritage Estate Landscapes
The Case of the Baakse Beek Region, Gelderland Province, the Netherlands
Heritage estate landscapes are clusters of historical estates with their gardens and agricultural land. These heritage estate landscapes suffer from climate change (abundance and shortage of water), spatial fragmentation through urbanization, and loss of identity through economic
Novel concepts enabling a resilient future power system and their subsequent experimental evaluation are experiencing a steadily growing challenge: large scale complexity and questionable scalability. The requirements on a research infrastructure (RI) to cope with the trends of s
We systematically study the indirect interaction between a magnon mode and a cavity photon mode mediated by traveling photons of a waveguide. From a general Hamiltonian, we derive the effective coupling strength between two separated modes, and obtain the theoretical expression o
Engineered, highly controllable quantum systems are promising simulators of emergent physics beyond the simulation capabilities of classical computers1. An important problem in many-body physics is itinerant magnetism, which originates purely from long-range interactio
Some observations on ISO2394
2015 Annex D (Reliability of Geotechnical
ISO2394:2015 contains a new informative Annex D on “Reliability of Geotechnical Structures”. The emphasis in Annex D is to identify and characterize critical elements of the geotechnical reliability-based design (RBD) process, while respecting the diversity of geotechnical engine
An integrated model for line planning and train scheduling based on the circulation of trains is proposed to reduce passenger dissatisfaction and operation costs for an urban rail transit line. The turnaround operations of trains and their departures from and arrivals at the depo
The MultiScale Finite Volume (MSFV) method is known to produce non-monotone solutions. The causes of the non-monotone solutions are identified and connected to the local flux across the boundaries of primal coarse cells induced by the basis functions. We propose a monotone MSFV (