H.A. Martin
10 records found
Prognostic monitoring of power quad flat no-lead (PQFN) packages with four distinct silver pastes, each varying in material composition (pure-Ag and resin-reinforced hybridAg) and sintering processes (pressure-assisted and pressureless), was investigated in this study. The PQFN packages with silver sintered die-attach materials were subjected to thermal cycling tests (?55 ° C to 150 ° C), and the performance degradation was evaluated based on the following metrics: 1) electrical ON-state resistance RDSon monitored periodically at specific thermal cycling intervals and 2) transient thermal impedance Zth(t = 0.1 s) monitored online during thermal cycling. These measurements were further validated using acoustic microscopy imaging and cross-sectional inspection. The pressureless Ag-sintering material demonstrated comparable performance to pressure-assisted Agsintering, with a dense microstructure, and consistent electrical and stable thermal performance. Whereas the pressureless resinreinforced hybrid-Ag material exhibited degradation with a relative increase of 33% in RDSon, 38% in Zth(t = 0.1 s), and 67% delamination of the die-attach interface over 1000 cycles. These findings suggest that pressureless Ag-sintering may offer a viable alternative to pressure-assisted methods for lead (Pb)- free die-attachments, while resin-reinforced hybrid-Ag requires further development for improved thermomechanical reliability..
@enResin-reinforced Ag sintering materials represent a promising solution for die-attach applications in high-power devices requiring enhanced reliability and heat dissipation. However, the presence of resin and intricate microstructure poses challenges to its thermal performance, and improvement strategies remain unclear. This work utilizes 3D FIB-SEM nanotomography to reconstruct the microstructure of this material under various process conditions. The analysis reveals that, even with an Ag volume fraction as low as 47.3%, Ag particles form a robust 3D network. Geometric tortuosity quantifies the effect of different sintering conditions on the Ag particle network in all spatial directions. Effective thermal conductivity is simulated based on realistic microstructure models. Results show a significant negative correlation between tortuosity and effective thermal conductivity. Increasing sintering temperature in Model B notably reduces tortuosity and enhances effective thermal conductivity. Sensitivity analysis underscores the dominant role of Ag volume fraction in regulating effective thermal conductivity. Finally, transient thermal impedance measurement of this material as a thin die-attach layer in actual high-power devices demonstrated its application potential. This article strives to explore the relationship between process, microstructure, and thermal properties of this material to provide a reference for further development.
@enThis article introduces an online condition monitoring strategy that utilizes a transient heat pulse to detect package thermal performance degradation. The metric employed is the temperature-dependent transient thermal impedance "Zth(t, Tamb)."The proposed methodology offers quantitative insights into package thermal performance degradation and effectively pinpoints the presence of multiple failure mechanisms. A thermal test chip assembled in a power quad flat no-lead package is used in this study to demonstrate the methodology. The packaged devices are first characterized to determine the transient pulse duration, a critical parameter to monitor a specific region of interest. Subsequently, package thermal performance degradation is continuously monitored online during thermomechanical cycling lifetime experiments. The validity of the measurement results is later confirmed through acoustic imaging and cross-sectional analysis. The changes observed in Zth(t, Tamb) over thermal cycling correspond to the delamination of the active metal layers on the die and cohesive failure on the die attach. This article further includes a comparative summary, highlighting the distinctions between the proposed and industry-standard test methods. In conclusion, the importance of online condition monitoring to detect early signs of failure is emphasized, and the proposed methodology s practical applicability in real-life scenarios is briefly discussed.
@enThe increasing awareness of environmental concerns and sustainability underlines the importance of energy-efficient systems, renewable energy technologies, electric vehicles, and smart grids. Hence, stringent constraints and safety regulations have been prompted to meet reliability standards in power electronics. This chapter provides a comprehensive outlook on the current state of power semiconductor devices, field-critical applications, dominant degradation mechanism (chip-related and package-related), and the emerging measurement techniques for reliability/condition monitoring. This chapter delves into the underlying physics behind each reliability measurement method reviewed. A comparative summary of cost, complexity, online monitoring capability, accuracy, and intrusiveness is provided to enable readers to make informed decisions about the measurement methods. This chapter emphasizes the significance of early fault detection through online monitoring, as it can effectively reduce system downtime for seamless non-interruptive operation.
@enIntegrated Circuits and Electronic Modules experience concentrated thermal hot spots, which require advanced thermal solutions for effective distribution and dissipation of heat. The superior thermal properties of diamonds are long known, and it is an ideal material for heat-spreading applications. However, growing diamond films to the electronic substrate require complex processing at high temperatures. This research investigates a heterogeneous method of integrating diamond heat spreaders during the back-end packaging process. The semiconductor substrate and the heat spreader thicknesses were optimized based on simulations to realize a thermally enhanced Power Quad-Flat No-Lead package. The performance of the thermally enhanced PQFN was assessed by monitoring the temperature distribution across the active device surface and compared to a standard PQFN (without a heat spreader). Firstly, the thermally enhanced PQFN indicated a 9.6% reduction in junction temperature for an input power of 6.6W with a reduced thermal gradient on the active device surface. Furthermore, the diamond heat spreader's efficiency was observed to increase with increasing power input. Besides, the reliability of the thermally enhanced PQFN was tested by thermal cycling from -55°C to 150°C, which resulted in less than 2% thermal degradation over two-hundred cycles. Such choreographed thermal solutions are proven to enhance the packaged device's performance, and the superior thermal properties of the diamond are beneficial to suffice the increasing demand for high power.