F.J. Vermolen
23 records found
Burn injuries form a very specific type of skin wounds, which can cause much suffering and inconvenience to the patients. One who has serious burn injuries, can be literally scarred for life due to the complications developed post wounding. Wound contracture is one of the symptom
A Spatial Markov Chain Cellular Automata Model for the Spread of the COVID-19 virus
Including parameter estimation
In this bachelor thesis we propose a spatial Markov Chain Cellular Automata
model for the spread of the COVID-19 virus as well as two methods for parameter
estimation. Network topologies are used to model the progression of the epidemic
by considering each individual ...
model for the spread of the COVID-19 virus as well as two methods for parameter
estimation. Network topologies are used to model the progression of the epidemic
by considering each individual ...
The theory of morpho-poroelasticity is applied to tumor growth. This allows for the modeling of permanent deformation in the tissue as a result of the presence of tumor cells. The work done in this project can be divided into two parts. In the first part we review existing models
Burn injuries occur daily and can have severe physical and mental effects both in short and long term, such as disabilities due to severe skin contraction. Even though the mortality rate has decreased over the years, the need for a higher quality of life after severe burns remain
An Isogeometric Analysis Approach for Morphoelastic Models
Application to Skin Contracture
Skin grafting is a common technique employed to treat patients after burn injuries. In contrast to the frequency and gravity of contractures following from skin grafts, the phenomenon itself is still poorly understood and subject of studies. The development of an accurate model o
In this study several models for burn contraction are studied. The first ones are rudimentary, but as the thesis progresses we work towards so-called morphoelastic models. These inherently capture both elastic and plastic deformations. After establishing the deterministic part, a
This report has the main aim of comparing the Mixed Finite Element Method to the standard Finite Element Method. The other aim is to let the reader understand what these methods entail. The latter is done by first journeying through the theory behind the FEM. It is first explore
Experimental data have been extracted from wound-healing time-lapse videos. These data include the detection of the area of the wound and the detection of individual cells. Extracting the area of the wound is done by using a function in Python OpenCV called cv2.findcontours. An i
Modelling Magnetic Phase Transitions
With Density Functional Theory and the Finite Element Method
The present thesis discusses two modelling endeavours that serve to provide insights into both the magnetic and structural dynamics associated with a first order magnetic phase transition.
Firstly, density functional theory has been used to model the lithiation of a supercel ...
Firstly, density functional theory has been used to model the lithiation of a supercel ...
Modelling Wrinkling Behaviour of Large Floating Thin Offshore Structures
An application of Isogeometric Structural Analysis for Post-Buckling Analyses
With increasing attention to climate change,renewable energy generation has become a major topic for research anddevelopment. Wind and solar energy are generated on land, whereas wave, windand tidal energy generators are getting attention in the offshore doma ...
It is said that Dutch winters are becoming milder and that we experience less severe winters nowadays. In this thesis it is attempted to test meteorological data on whether there is a significant trend. This is done by using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator. In the
Steel is commonly coated to protect it from corrosion. One method of applying this is by using Physical Vapor Deposition, which can be done by using multiple jets. In this process jets next to each other interact. This paper's main aim is to investigate the interaction effect of
Reliable and efficient modelling of magnetic hysteresis in inhomogeneous and aniso-tropic media is an important step in developing a state-of-the-art closed-loop degaussing system for naval ships and submarines, to be developed by TNO and to be used by the Royal Netherlands Navy
In mathematical biology, a morphoelastic model, which combines elasticity and growth, has been used for, e.g., wound healing and tumour growth modelling. Here, it is used to model the growth of an embryo. In order to do so, a growth curve from literature has been fitted to a morp
Chemotaxis is een verschijnsel uit de biologie dat zich op verschillende wijze
voordoet in het menselijk lichaam en bij bacteriën. Er is onderzocht hoe het
ééndimensionaal geval op te lossen is met de discontinue Galerkinmethode. Hierin
is het model eerst behoorlijk v ...
voordoet in het menselijk lichaam en bij bacteriën. Er is onderzocht hoe het
ééndimensionaal geval op te lossen is met de discontinue Galerkinmethode. Hierin
is het model eerst behoorlijk v ...
Burn injuries can lead to serious complications that have a large influence on someone’s quality of life. In order to help patients, we need to gain insight into the wound healing process and in the development of complications that come with serious burn injuries. The final goal
Over time, the width-averaged depth of estuaries changes due to a complex interaction of hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport. In many estuaries one specic location with a suspended sediment concentration (SSC) higher than in the sea or in the upstream river, is found,
In this report, a model for modeling passenger flows on a platform with obstacles is presented. The report incorporates situations with one exit, benches as obstacles and an additional train and compares those to a basic model in which the platform has two exits and no obstacles.
Dit verslag beschrijft een wiskundig model, gebaseerd op het deeltjesmodel, voor sluiting van oppervlaktewonden. Verder wordt aandacht aan verschillende soorten modellen die al bestonden en aan de biologische achtergrond van wondsluiting.