With increasing attention to climate change,renewable energy generation has become a major topic for research anddevelopment. Wind and solar energy are generated on land, whereas wave, windand tidal energy generators are getting attention in the offshore domain. Anovel extension of onshore solar energy is the concept of offshore solar energyusing floating platforms. As little research has been performed on the conceptof offshore solar energy generations, main challenges in the field are relatedto consequences to the marine ecology, economics and production and structuraldesign of the platforms. In this thesis, a numerical model to assess wrinklingbehaviour of thin, floating sheets with application to the structural design ofoffshore solar platforms is developed.
Since wrinkling of thin sheets, in general, isinitiated by a structural instability (i.e. buckling), the developed modelconsists of an arc-length method that is capable to deal with bifurcationpoints and to switch to bifurcation branches. In this way, buckling andpost-buckling behaviour of thin sheets are modelled and wrinkled shapes can beassessed without imposing a priori definition of unbalancingimperfections or loads. The computational model is developed using a shelldiscretization with Isogeometric rotation-free Kirchhoff-Love elements, whichare higher-order elements with a B-spline or NURBS basis with global supportand global higher-order continuity of the solution. For the illustrativepurpose and future use, a similar Euler-Bernoulli beam model was developed andnumerical solvers for static, dynamic, modal and linear buckling analysis wereimplemented.
The model was verified using various benchmarkstudies for static, modal, (post-)buckling and dynamic analysis. In particular,the post-buckling solver was assessed by modelling the collapse of a sphericalroof and using buckling (post-)bucking of a cantilever strip. Both benchmarkshave shown excellent agreement with previous publications. Additionalverification was done on the approaching accuracy and prediction of bifurcationpoints. It was found that this accuracy showed the accurate prediction of thebifurcation point, although slightly underpredicted for finer meshes and higherorders. Additionally, the model wasapplied to three cases where wrinkling is involved. In these cases, sheets withlow bending stiffness were modelled such that their post-buckling shapes showmultiple half-waves and thus wrinkles. Based on the model of a floating sheetsubject to surface traction (e.g. wind or current), design parameters werevaried. From this case, it follows a decrease in foundation stiffness or anincrease in flexural rigidity (either by varying Young's modulus or thickness)implies the number of wrinkles to decrease and the wrinkling instability tooccur for lower loads. Thirdly, based on the wrinkling geometries of a quarterdisk, design consideration for VLFTSs for offshore solar energy generation weregiven. These are: (i) adding reinforcement to arrest wrinkles and to introducestructural hierarchy for structural reliability; (ii) consider the effect ofdifferent mooring system connections to the (reinforced) platform; and (iii)investigate the effect of holes and point loads on local wrinkling behaviour. Basedon the results of the study, it is concluded that the isogeometric thin shellformulation is suitable for different structural analyses and that in particularthat robustness and accuracy on a per-degree of freedom basis is observed inthe isogeometric post-buckling analysis. This adds post-buckling analysis tothe seamless integration of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Analysis ofIsogeometric Analysis. Suggestions for further studies include severalimprovements of the current implementation (patch coupling, boundary conditionimplementation), utilization of nonlinear material models for modelling ofrubber-like materials, adaptive re-meshing using THB-splines to capture localwrinkling phenomena and Fluid-Structure Interaction computations with anonlinear structural and fluid description of VLTFSs in large waves.