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I. Bouwmans

13 records found

Decision-making about sustainable energy development often constitutes not only choices about which technology to adopt but also the dependencies of these technological choices on the social, economic and political helms within the context they are applied. For Uganda, juggling s ...
Baggage as a Service (BaaS) is a new concept that aims to separate baggage from passengers to make air travel more convenient. The study aims to analyze its CO2 footprint with four sub-questions guiding the research. The first sub-question is to identify all relevant elements for ...
The Dutch government has set an ambitious goal: by 2030, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands should be 49% lower than they were in 1990.But even though geothermal energy is gaining recognition given the high heating demand in the Netherlands and its subsurface potential, ...
Climate change intensifies the frequency and severity of floods - the most devastating and costly climate-induced hazard. Government adaptations such as dikes or beach nourishments are important, yet insufficient in the face of worsening hazards. They reduce the hazard probabili ...

Key Components for Potential Sustainable Vehicle-to-Grid Business Models within the Netherlands

A qualitative research to explore the components for sustainable Vehicle-to-Grid business models by conducting semi-structured expert-interviews

The shifts towards more use of electric vehicles and more use of renewable energy sources create the need for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. To penetrate the market, the development of V2G business models is critical. However, there are no sustainable V2G business models deter ...
Selection of industrial sites is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of a wide range of factors. Classical location decision-making overemphasize the role of economic factors while the energy related factors are often neglected. This research supports the energy t ...

Pave the way to sustainable carpets

Designing alternatives to increase the sustainability of the Dutch carpet industry

The Dutch carpet tile industry is one of the most polluting and unsustainable industries worldwide, with a waste product that is only fit for landfilling. This thesis set out to model the industry and conclude on effective sustainability increasing measures. It was identified tha ...

Hydrogen as an energy carrier is seen as an important option to reduce the CO2 emissions in the transport sector. However, limited research is done into the possibilities of using a hydrogen truck in freight road transpor ...

In the light of the global transition away from fossil fuels, a multitude of solutions are implemented in the Netherlands. A transition towards electrification of appliances is part of these solutions. Usage of heat and mobility is increasingly electrified. This trend is expected ...

Regional electricity distribution systems

Designing the future electricity grids of the Netherlands

During the next few decades, a significant increase in the use of intermittent renewable energy sources is expected in the Netherlands as well as a general increase in electricity consumption. Due to the increased demand as well as a more uncertain, volatile supply, substantial u ...
Barriers to COabatement impede their materialisation. In this research the Y-factor was used in expert interviews to gather information on the barriers to the materialisation of four abatement options in the Netherlands: Insulation, Carbon Capture Storage, Biofuels a ...

The Battery Electric Vehicle Experience

Understanding BEV perceptions: from early adopters towards mass acceptance

Electric mobility is considered as the next step towards sustainable mobility. Within the Netherlands, as one of the leading countries if it comes to electric mobility, the market share of battery electric vehicles is still limited to 0,2 percent. Many studies are executed on con ...