Regional electricity distribution systems

Designing the future electricity grids of the Netherlands

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During the next few decades, a significant increase in the use of intermittent renewable energy sources is expected in the Netherlands as well as a general increase in electricity consumption. Due to the increased demand as well as a more uncertain, volatile supply, substantial upgrades and redesign of the current Dutch electricity grids are needed. These upgrades will inevitably require large investments as the design and installation of electricity grids is costly. Additionally, the investments are lumpy and irreversible. It is therefore important that the investments will be made in such a way that the future grids will operate successfully, supplying consumers with the demanded electricity at sufficient quality with a low rate of interruptions. Recently, the Netherlands has been divided into 30 energy regions, which allows the Netherlands to work on its climate agreements both from a regional and from a national level. These regions will work on generation and consumption of electricity and heating as well as on the energy infrastructures needed to supply this energy. This aim of this research paper has been to create a method that can be used to design suitable electricity distribution networks for the energy regions in the Netherlands. One approach to designing electricity grid topologies is with the use of graph theory heuristics, which has shown to be a useful way of approaching the electricity design problem by discretising plots of land into a graph. The research paper has shown that by taking into account spatial constraints specific to the Dutch regions, more valid networks can be created. This further leads to increased implementability of the final networks in addition to a reduction in the possibility for unforeseen costs related to building on certain plots of land. The proposed method aims to minimise the investment costs of the future regional electricity distribution networks in the Netherlands, taking both cable lengths and capacities into account. A radiality constraint is applied, ensuring that the network is connected but does not contain any cycles. A flexible way of ensuring that the final networks do not overlap with unavailable land is thereafter applied and demonstrated. A heuristic method aiming to minimise network length is applied before assigning the required capacities to the network. An improvement procedure is performed in order to further reduce investment costs. The cost function is formulated as a non-linear function, incorporating the characteristic that savings can be made by combining lines in order to create a shorter, high-capacity network instead of a longer, low-capacity network. The proposed method has thereafter been verified with respect to the problem formulated and demonstrated using a case study on the energy region Goeree-Overflakkee. Experimental results have also been generated in order to assess the effectiveness of the method. In comparison to an alternative simultaneous topology and production optimisation, it has been found that the proposed method leads to a shorter final network that additionally leads to lower total investments costs.  
