The siting of energy intensive industry in the context of the energy transition
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Selection of industrial sites is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of a wide range of factors. Classical location decision-making overemphasize the role of economic factors while the energy related factors are often neglected. This research supports the energy transition by means of rethinking the location decision-making problem concerning Energy-Intensive Industries (EIIs). The main objective is to determine how the suitability of sites of industry clusters in Europe will change because of the energy transition. Two industry clusters in Europe are selected and used as test cases for analysis. To offer understanding of the suitability of cluster locations to a changing energy medium, a procedure to conduct analysis is developed and applied. The necessity to develop the analysis procedure is motivated by the lack of a methodology to serve as a commonly accepted framework for the analysis of industrial location problems in the context of energy transitions. The outcomes of the so-called factor analysis procedure enable to reason on the suitability of the sites of the clusters to the envisioned future renewable environment. To ensure validity of data and of findings, insight emerging from the literature and assumptions made by the author, are triangulated with the opinion of stakeholders and experts in the field. The research concludes that the energy transition will have a severe impact on the suitability of sites of the investigated EII clusters in Europe. The rationale being that, state-of-the-art sites are not suitable to a fully transitioned word. Exploring the future points to necessary changes that the sites have to undergo in order to suit a transitioned word. The findings emerging from the analysis, are meant for investors and traders that are interested in siting and industry modernization. Ideally, the methodology developed to study EIIs can be extended to other industrial sectors. I will be necessary to analyze the novel decision space and evaluate the factors at play on the novel location problem under investigation. Future research efforts should internalize the dynamics that govern the location decision of EII clusters described in research and use them to better understand the effects of possible failures of intervention.