In the light of the global transition away from fossil fuels, a multitude of solutions are implemented in the Netherlands. A transition towards electrification of appliances is part of these solutions. Usage of heat and mobility is increasingly electrified. This trend is expected
In the light of the global transition away from fossil fuels, a multitude of solutions are implemented in the Netherlands. A transition towards electrification of appliances is part of these solutions. Usage of heat and mobility is increasingly electrified. This trend is expected to increase over the upcoming years. This electrification will have an impact on the electricity demand and will impact the electricity grid. Furthermore, a transition towards a more decentralized electricity production can be noticed. The introduction of high quantities of these renewables will have major consequences for the low voltage grid. The integration of these transitions in the distribution grid is one of the main challenges for a distribution system operator. However, the transition towards electrical appliances might also possess opportunities to create smart solutions to solve for higher electrical demand and loads within the electricity grid. The batteries of electric vehicles might be utilized to aid the functioning of the grid. The introduction of this charging technique might defer necessary investments for grid reinforcement within the distribution system based on the introduction of higher electricity demand.