M.Z. Voorendt
57 records found
One of the challenges in modern ports is upgrading existing quay walls. Dutch contractor Hakkers BV has developed a device to install underwater grout anchors as a support for sheet pile walls. This technology was successfully tested during a pilot project in the Seinehaven for t
The seven weirs in the Dutch Meuse, managed by Rijkswaterstaat, were originally built between 1925 and 1936 to ensure year-round navigability. As these structures approach the end of their lifespan, they must be renovated or replaced between 2028 and 2035. Modern requirements, su
Water levels in the river Meuse drop during periods of low river discharges, making it unnavigable for shipping. To maintain navigability in the Dutch part of the river Meuse, seven weir complexes were constructed in the river. These complexes regulate the river and maintain targ
Ageing industrial quay walls in seaports
Redefining evaluation factors for quay wall deformations
Quay walls are an essential part of port infrastructure, providing diverse functionalities for the quay owner and users. In order to guarantee the structural safety of existing quay walls, owners might want to maintain their quay walls or decide to reassess their safety.
Improving the Replacement and Renovation Process of Hydraulic Structures
Creating a decision method for the implementation and assessment of standardisation
This study develops a decision method for the implementation and assessment of standardisation in order to improve the Replacement & Renovation process of hydraulic structures. Possible improvements in the Replacement & Renovation process and the implementation of standar
Reliability assessment of flexible dolphins
Reducing uncertainty in the design approach of flexible dolphins
The abstract outlines a study focusing on improving the design approach for flexible dolphins, vital marine structures used for vessel berthing and mooring. Current design methodologies, particularly those outlined in the CROW C1005 handbook (2018), are questioned due to potentia
Design Study on the Feasibility of a Self-closing Flood Barrier
A Case Study of the City of Arcen, Limburg
Flood risks and its consequences become more and more challenging and are demanding for the currently present dike systems and hydraulic structures in the Netherlands. This automatically raises the question for the possibility of adjustable temporary deployable flood defences tha
Een eerste haalbaarheidsstudie naar grootschalige implementatie van waterkrachtcentrales in de toekomstige Maas-stuwen
Een casestudie naar de vervangingsopgave van de stuw bij Grave
With the growing demand for expanding sustainable energy production in the Netherlands, investigating potential renewable energy sources has become imperative. Scheduled replacement projects for weirs along the river Meuse within the next decade present an excellent opportunity t
Comparison of design methods for quay walls
Based on measured deformations in Eemshaven Groningen
The aim of this research is to investigate which design method results in the best approximation of the deformations of a quay wall consisting of an anchored combined wall with relieving platform, looking at the elastoplastic method and the finite element method. The elastoplasti
In response to Amsterdam’s housing shortage, IJburg on the east side of Amsterdam, is being devel- oped. IJburg consists of six artificial islands in total on which about 20,000 homes for 50,000 residents are being built. Strandeiland (Beach island in English), located in the lak
This research addresses the complex challenge of mitigating uplift within a water-retaining system, specifically focusing on the Valmeer Energy Storage Lake (ESL), an integral part of the DELTA21 project. The need for rapid emptying of the ESL during storm surges, often within a
Design of the navigation and discharge channel in the tidal lake of the Delta21 project
A design and morphological modelling study
The awareness of climate change has grown worldwide in the past years. Possible consequences of climate change are sea level rise, heavier storms and high river discharges, but also prolonged drought. For a country such as the Netherlands, these water level variations, high disch
The coastal area of the Murcia region in Spain experiences more frequent and more intense flash floods caused by inland heavy rainfall due to climate change. This results in high water levels in towns and cities, leading to risk of loss of life and many financial damages. Current
Regression & Progression
Towards a Regenerative Water Landscape in Wadden Coast
As the world’s largest intertidal area, the Wadden Sea Region has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2009 .In addition to the scenic and ecological values, the Dutch Wadden Sea also serves as an infrastructure to safeguard the coastline of the mainland as a climat
The coastal zone is becoming more vulnerable due to growing concentrations of human population, settlements, and socio-economic activities. The Rhine-Meuse Delta is low-lying land, which makes it vulnerable to flooding. The Maeslant barrier is a storm surge barrier which should p
Ecosystems are under pressure worldwide, due to both natural and anthropogenic stresses. Stresses on ecosystems can cause a decline in biodiversity, a loss of habitat and a deterioration in ecosystem services. To avoid further pressure on ecosystems caused by advancing economic d
The Netherlands is world famous when it comes to coastal defence. The world is always changing, therefore the Netherlands, together with many countries, has to adapt constantly to the climate. This constant change means that in particular the coastline of the Netherlands requires
In the southeast of Spain heavy storms can occur in the late summer and early autumn, during which great amounts of rain pours down. During a storm that took place in September 2019, over 300 mil- limetres of rain fell in just five hours. Throughout the 2019 flooding event, the R
Conceptual Design of the Spillway into the Energy Storage Lake of Delta21
Part of a new approach to improve the flood protection in the Southwest Delta of the Netherlands
In the upcoming decades, the Netherlands is going to face challenges regarding the protection against flooding. The reason for this is the expected rapid change in climate around the world. As a result of the changing climate, the sea levels rise and the peak river discharges inc