M.F.S. Tissier

32 records found

Artificial Reefs: Effects on Wave Transformation and In-Canopy Flow

Insights from Large-Scale Wave Flume Experiments of a Fringing Reef

Coral reefs play a crucial role in coastal protection and ecosystem sustainability. However, they face increasing threats from sea-level rise, ocean warming, and acidification. While coral reef restoration is often proposed as a means to reduce coastal hazards, there remains insu ...
Low-lying reef-lined coasts are vulnerable to coastal flooding. While fringing reefs usually protect coastal communities from moderate storms by dissipating incoming wave energy, they can exacerbate flooding during strong events with energetic waves. Low-frequency waves (0.001-0. ...
The lock of Hansweert, located in the province of Zeeland in the Netherlands, serves as a crucial inland shipping node between the Western Scheldt estuary and the Rhine Delta. The outer harbour of the lock complex provides the connection to the Western Scheldt and accommodates wa ...

Optimising Artificial Reef Design through Large-Scale Experiments

Part of CREST: Coral Reef Restoration for Coastal Resilience

Low-lying coral islands are highly vulnerable to sea-level rise and climate change, with coral reefs, essential for coastal protection, facing significant decline due to climate change and anthropogenic stressors. Artificial reefs present a potential solution by restoring ecology ...

Influence of frequency-directional wave spectra on the wave induced fatigue loads on offshore wind turbines

Comparative Analysis of Wave Characteristics on Fatigue Load Differences between 2D and JONSWAP Wave Spectra

The current trend in the offshore renewable energy industry is to install ever larger offshore wind tur- bines (OWT) in ever deeper waters. This results in an increased capacity requirement of the substruc- ture which results in increased dimensions and thus higher hydrodynamic l ...
In this thesis, the identification and generation of meteotsunamis on the Southern North Sea are investigated. Although meteotsunamis are well known in other areas, hardly any research has been done on them near the Dutch Coast. Here, nine years of sea level elevation data are ev ...
Dunes often act as the primary line of defence for low-lying hinterland against storm surges with dune erosion in the swash-dune collision regime. In the swash-dune collision regime, an elevated total water level, consisting of tide, surge, and wave setup, temporarily submerges t ...
Coral reefs are considered to be a crucial ecosystem and form of natural coastal protection. They owe their effectiveness to their high structural complexity. This complexity, which positively influences aspects like species richness, coral recovery, live coral cover, and coastal ...
This thesis analyses the importance and application of considering multiple coexisting wave trains in sediment transport predictions.

The wave trains at offshore and nearshore locations are analyzed by wave spectral partitions (Portilla at el., 2009). The temporal variab ...
Mangrove is a coastal vegetation type primarily located in the tropical regions between 5 North and 5 South. This coastal vegetation is capable of reducing the force of incoming waves. This is a result of the obstruction created by the roots, stems and canopies against waves to p ...
Infragravity (IG) waves are long waves whose frequency ranges between 0.005 Hz to 0.04 Hz. The directional properties of IG waves are essential in various engineering fields, but few spectra reconstruction methods have been tested to be robust for the last forty years. In this st ...
Infragravity (IG) waves (0.005-0.04 Hz) are surface waves that can dominate the nearshore hydrodynamics and can impact various coastal processes (e.g., run-up, overwash). A proper offshore description of incident IG waves is required for storm impact models, which generally assum ...

Efficient and accurate modeling of wave-driven flooding on coral reef-lined coasts

On the interpolation of parameterized boundary conditions

Many coral reef islands are low-lying, which in combination with population growth, sea level rise and possibly more frequent extreme weather events is likely to result in increased coastal risk (e.g. Storlazzi et al., 2015). On smaller scales of O(10 km) wave-driven coastal inun ...
Coral reefs are vital to the prosperity of the world and the local communities by providing food and coastal protection. Coral reefs are home to 25% of marine life and have therefore gained the nickname ’rainforest of the sea’. However, the reefs are being damaged by climate chan ...

Infragravity waves on the North Sea

Generation, propagation and dissipation mechanisms

Recent analysis on measurements in the North Sea has shown a large amount of wave energy ranging in infragravity bands in the North Sea during storm events. To better understand the generation and propagation of free infragravity waves, the SWAN model is used to inspect the infra ...

A beach vulnerability study at Copacabana beach, Rio de Janeiro

A study into the historic, present and future morphodynamic behavior of the beach focused on the impact of storm events and subsequent recovery

Sandy beaches can be found all over the world and are on the interface between the sea and the land. Important functions of beaches are the protection of the inland to the forces of the sea and providing local opportunities in recreation. The impact of storm events on the beach i ...
Atolls and coral islands in and around the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean largely rely on coral reefs for their coastal protection. On these reefs a large roughness is created by different coral species. The dissipative character of these species reduces the incident wave height, the ...
The resiliency of coral reef islands to changing environments associated with climate change is controlled by the delicate balance between the import and export of sediment. The majority of the sediment is derived from coral reefs for which the stability of these islands is direc ...
Many tropical coastlines are fronted by coral reefs and are increasingly exposed to wave attack and wave-driven marine flooding. This problem demands immediate attention as safe habitability of and social and economic activity in reef-lined coastal regions are under serious threa ...

Coral Restoration for Coastal Hazard Risk Reduction

The effect of coral restoration on wave transformation over various reef morphologies and the resulting runup

Coral reefs are degrading at an alarming rate, affecting not only the precarious coral ecosystem but also human habitat. The combination of coral degradation, sea level rise and its exacerbated effect in the tropics, and the possible storm intensification increases the flood vuln ...