H.X. Lin
15 records found
Automated Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) systems are expected to revolutionize urban mobility systems. However, there are uncertainties in the planning and operations of AMoD systems. We deem the agent-based approach as being well suited for modeling new phenomena in future AMoD syste
To study the aerosols in the atmosphere is an important aspect for getting a better understanding of climate change. Therefore, it is important to get accurate observations of aerosols in the atmosphere as well as accurate emission fluxes of aerosol species. Satellite instruments
Loss functions and neural networks
Comparing different loss functions for NLP neural networks
Neural network is an active research field which involves many different (unsolved) issues, for example, different types of configuration of the network architectures, training strategies, etc. Amongst these active issues, the choice of loss (or cost) functions plays an important
Advecting Superspecies
Reduced order modeling of organic aerosols in LOTOS-EUROS using machine learning
Chemical transport models (CTMs) are used to improve our understanding of the complex processes influencing atmospheric composition, as well as provide operational air quality forecasts and model potential future air quality scenarios. Numerical tracers in CTMs track the concentr
Numerical methods are investigated for solving large-scale sparse linear systems of equations, that can be applied to thermo-mechanical models and wafer-slip models. This thesis examines efficient numerical methods, in terms of memory, number of iterations required for convergenc
GPU Implementation of Grid Search based Feature Selection
Using Machine Learning to Predict Hydrocarbons using High Dimensional Datasets
To optimize the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs both on- and offshore, Biodentfiy has developed a method to predict prospectivity of hydrocarbons before drilling. This method uses microbiological DNA analysis of shallow soil or seabed samples to detect vertical upward micr
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) have an ongoing collaboration to create an affordable, portable and simplified version of the magnetic r
Deepfake Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Working Towards Understanding the Effects of Design Choices
When building a convolutional neural network, many design choices have to be made. In the case of Deepfake detection, there is no readily implementable recipe that guides these choices. This research aims to work towards understanding the effects of design choices in the case of
Combating air pollution has proven to be a difficult task for countries with rapidly developing economies. Poor air quality can be hazardous to people doing any outdoor activities. So being able to make accurate, short term air quality predictions can be very useful. However, ma
This thesis focuses on the construction and optimization of a prediction model for the errors resulting from a model order reduction (MOR) procedure in oil reservoir simulation. MOR is a numerical technique that projects the physical based model, which is also called the high-fid
Facing the severe air pollution phenomenon in urban areas and the subsequent low visibility event in airports, it is urgent to conduct air quality and visibility predictions to better reflect their changing trends. However, the variations of PM2.5 and visibility involve complicat
This thesis project developed an alternative PM2.5 concentration prediction model and early warning system of extreme air pollution based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) and achieved satisfying performance. To research more deeply, we divided the task into two parts. The fir
High Performance Data Traversal
Cache Aware Computing With Space Filling Curve
"What Mathematics is to Physics, Data traversal is to High-performance computing." The world of Computational science has witnessed an exponential expansion of sophisticated numerical algorithms in the last few decades mainly to understand minute details and solve complex physica
Dit project behandelt de programmering en toepassing van een taxiservice, waarbij de passagiers zich vanaf of naar het treinstation willen verplaatsen. Met behulp van geheeltallig lineair programmeren wordt bepaald welke ritten door de taxi's moeten worden gereden, om de winst te
Dit bacheloreindverslag gaat over Max-plus Algebra. Dit is een algebraïsche structuur die gebruikt kan worden om roosterplanning te modelleren. In plaats van de normale optelling en vermenigvuldiging worden de operaties 'maximum nemen' en optellen gebruikt. Wanneer Max-plus Algeb