Neural network is an active research field which involves many different (unsolved) issues, for example, different types of configuration of the network architectures, training strategies, etc. Amongst these active issues, the choice of loss (or cost) functions plays an important
Neural network is an active research field which involves many different (unsolved) issues, for example, different types of configuration of the network architectures, training strategies, etc. Amongst these active issues, the choice of loss (or cost) functions plays an important role in how a neural network model is to be optimized (trained) and how the model will perform after the training. Given the choice of measurement criteria, loss functions measure how far an estimated output is from its true value. And the measurement criteria can change depending on the task in hand and the goal to be met. The objective of this project is to understand the role of different loss functions and to evaluate the dependence of the performance on the loss functions using the language prediction problem.