N. Yorke-Smith
106 records found
As a tool serving other disciplines of enquiry, artificial intelligence (AI) offers the potential of a potent discovery, a design and analysis paradigm to address (new) questions in urban planning. This thematic issue raises a forum for cross-disciplinary dialogues at the interse
Optimization models used to make discrete decisions often contain uncertain parameters that are context-dependent and estimated through prediction. To account for the quality of the decision made based on the prediction, decision-focused learning (end-to-end predict-then-optimize
ReLU neural networks have been modelled as constraints in mixed integer linear programming (MILP), enabling surrogate-based optimisation in various domains and efficient solution of machine learning certification problems. However, previous works are mostly limited to MLPs. Graph
Delftse Foundations of Computation is a textbook for a one quarter introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory and the theory of computation, along with practical applications to comp
The Dutch housing market comprises three sectors: social-rented, private-rented, and owner-occupied. The contemporary market is marked by a shortage of supply and a large subsidised social sector. Waiting lists for social housing are growing, whereas households with incomes above
Robust Optimal Control (ROC) with adjustable uncertainties has proven to be effective in addressing critical challenges within modern energy networks, especially the reserve and provision problem. However, prior research on ROC with adjustable uncertainties has predominantly focu
Exploration in reinforcement learning remains a difficult challenge. In order to drive exploration, ensembles with randomized prior functions have recently been popularized to quantify uncertainty in the value model. There is no theoretical reason for these ensembles to resemble
The way how the uncertainties are represented by sets plays a vital role in the performance of robust optimization (RO). This paper presents a novel approach leveraging machine learning (ML) techniques to construct data-driven uncertainty sets from historical uncertainty data for
Surrogate modelling techniques such as Kriging are a popular means for cheaply emulating the response of expensive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. These surrogate models are often used for exploring a parameterised design space and identifying optimal designs. Mul
Maintenance commitments
Conception, semantics, and coherence
Social commitments are recognized as an abstraction that enables flexible coordination between autonomous agents. We make these contributions. First, we introduce and formalize a concept of a maintenance commitment, a kind of social commitment characterized by a maintenance condi
The adoption of new market mechanisms - vital to the better integration of flexible assets - depends on the fairness and nondiscrimination of the pricing rules. We consider a market setting with time-flexible unit energy buyers and sellers, that additionally submit their availabi
Recent work has shown potential in using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) solvers to optimize certain aspects of neural networks (NNs). However the intriguing approach of training NNs with MIP solvers is under-explored. State-of-the-art-methods to train NNs are typically gradient-
Increasing global food demand, accompanied by the limited number of expert growers, brings the need for more sustainable and efficient horticulture. The controlled environment of greenhouses enable data collection and precise control. For optimally controlling the greenhouse clim
In the tool coating field, scheduling of production lines requires solving an optimisation problem which we call the multi-choice two-dimensional shelf strip packing problem with time windows. A set of rectangular items needs to be packed in two stages: items are placed on shelve
Current state-of-the-art airline planning models face computational limitations, restricting the operational applicability to problems of representative sizes. This is particularly the case when considering the uncertainty necessarily associated with the long-term plan of an airc
Understanding preferences and behaviours in road freight transport is valuable for planning and analysis. This paper proposes a data-driven vehicle routing and scheduling approach for use as a descriptive tool to study road freight transport activities. The model developed seeks
COVID-19 significantly influenced travel behaviours and public attitudes towards public transport. Various studies have illustrated complicated factors related to long-term travel behaviour, indicating difficulty in understanding and predicting post-pandemic long-term travel beha
We solve a challenging scheduling problem with parallel batch processing and two-dimensional shelf strip packing constraints that arises in the tool coating field. Tools are assembled on so-called planetaries (batches) before they are loaded into coating machines to get coated. T
Industrial and academic interest converge on scheduling flow shops with sequence- and time-dependent maintenance. We posit that anticipatory, integrated scheduling of operational and maintenance tasks leads to superior performance to purely 'wait-then-fix' handling of the mainten
Since combinatorial scheduling problems are usually NP-hard, this paper investigates whether machine learning (ML) can accelerate exact solving of a problem instance. We adopt supervised learning on a corpus of problem instances, to acquire a function that predicts the optimal ma