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P.R. Wellens

39 records found

Green water is an extreme event that impacts ships and poses a risk to those on board. Conventional methods of screening assume a direct relation between exceedance and green water. This article demonstrates that the relation is not direct and identifies a difference between gree ...
The lack of suitable boundary conditions in practical surface wave simulations with maritime structures in current or at forward speed may cause energy in the computational domain to accumulate due to spurious wave reflection. The common way to prevent wave reflection is to use p ...
Energy from ocean surface waves is the most prominent form of marine energy. The waves are produced by gravitational water waves (2.2e5 Hz), in combination with the short wind and swell waves (0.03-1 Hz). The energy density and predictability of waves make them an extremely inter ...
Cavitation occurs when the local pressure, induced by high local velocities, drops below the vapor pressure, leading to the formation of vapor bubbles. The subsequent collapse of these bubbles can cause noise, erosion, and vibrations. Recent studies show that cavitation is sensit ...
Europe has set an ambitious target to increase the offshore wind power capacity to approximately 30 GW by 2026. With nearshore locations already allocated, future wind farms must be installed in deeper waters, pushing the operational limits of currently used jack-up vessels. Util ...
A new bilinear interface reconstruction algorithm (BLIC) is presented to capture highly-curved interfaces more accurately on structured grids without a significant increase in computational costs compared to the standard piecewise linear interface calculation (PLIC) methods. The ...
Green water is a rare and complex wave impact event that can affect the safety of the ship and those aboard. During the design process, the risks that these events pose have to be mitigated, preferably by minimizing the probability of a high impact pressure. As green water events ...
Maritime structures in heavy seas can experience wave impact events with high loads. The loads can lead to structural failure and even loss of life. Wave breaking in said sea states causes air to be entrained in water as aeration cloads, remaining long enough to be transported an ...
As a result of more stable wind conditions and the depletion of near-shore locations, wind farms are moving farther offshore into deeper waters, challenging the current limits of offshore heavy-lift operations. This paper presents and verifies a novel frequency-domain framework t ...
The original goal of the present research is to investigate the influence of surge on green water and slamming. Long-running experiments with forward velocity and irregular waves were repeated with and without surge. Surge is found to increase the probability of green water event ...
In head waves, water jet impacts due to run up can occur as a result of the structural configuration of some floating structures, reducing workability. Wave attenuation near the floater may reduce the risk of water jet impacts. This paper presents a numerical study of the perform ...
Surrogate modelling techniques such as Kriging are a popular means for cheaply emulating the response of expensive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. These surrogate models are often used for exploring a parameterised design space and identifying optimal designs. Mul ...
The numerical prediction of two-phase flows with an interface is challenging, to a considerable extent because of the high density ratio at the interface. Numerical results become affected by momentum losses, diverging spurious interface velocities, free surface distortion, and e ...
This paper concerns the fully nonlinear fluid–structure interaction (FSI) of Large-scale floating photovoltaics (LFPV) in waves. The Euler Bernoulli–von Kármán beam models the structure while potential flow represents the fluid. A set of coupled dynamical equations is established ...
The added resistance is a resistance component that is not yet satisfactorily predicted, although its accurate estimation is crucial-both from an environmental and economic point of view-from the design stage of a ship until its operation. One of the possible sources of overpredi ...
The present research analyzes the nonlinear fluid–structure interaction (FSI) of free surface waves with large-scale polymer offshore floating photovoltaics (LPOFPV). The floating structure is modeled as a nonlinear Euler Bernoulli–von Kármán (EBVK) beam coupling with water benea ...
This article proposes a method to quantify, first, the probability of occurrence of green water and, second, the expected maximum pressures during green water events using their statistical distribution for ships at forward speed. A large green water data set which represents 194 ...
PTO (Power Take-off) systems in WECs (Wave Energy Converters) are generally overrated with regard to the average extracted power, which is not economically favourable. However, there is no explicit and agreed approach on how to limit the absorbed power without damaging WECs. In t ...
Maritime structures in water always experience a mean hydrostatic pressure. This paper investigates the nonlinear vibration of a clamped circular thin plate subjected to a non-zero mean load. A set of coupled Helmholtz–Duffing equations is obtained by decomposing the static and d ...
To study how an extreme wave load on a maritime structure causes structural deformation, an experiment is conducted to measure the response of a one degree-of-freedom pendulum in a focused, breaking wave. The tube that makes up the base of the pendulum covers almost the entire wi ...