Potential of Wave Energy Harvesting in the North Sea; The AE-Wave Hexapod WEC
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Energy from ocean surface waves is the most prominent form of marine energy. The waves are produced by gravitational water waves (2.2e5 Hz), in combination with the short wind and swell waves (0.03-1 Hz). The energy density and predictability of waves make them an extremely interesting form of sustainable energy. Wave energy is therefore an ideal addition to the energy mix. Research has confirmed that (part) synergy is possible with offshore wind farms because the energy production profile over time of wave energy (even on a relatively sheltered inland North Sea) is not synchronous with the energy profile of wind, mainly due to swell waves and therefore is, at least, partly complementary to that of offshore wind. Wave energy can be generated via so-called wave energy converters (WECs). This article describes the potential of an innovative WEC with existing regenerative robots to be used in energy harvesting in the North Sea.